Wednesday, December 24, 2014


3 sets:
300m ski erg @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
400m run @90% aerobic
2:00 rest
500m row @90% aerobic
2:00 rest

A. Split jerk cluster from blocks, 3x1.1.1, :10 rest between singles; 2:00 rest
B. Power clean, build to a max for the day
C. Power clean, 12x1 @90% of B, begin a rep every :30
3 rounds for even times:
75 double unders
10 KB swings, 53
15 burpees
10 KB swings, 53
15 airdyne calories
3:00 rest
10:00 airdyne easy


A. 155-175-190
B. 195 (205 F)
C. complete @175

Solid day. Split jerks were feeling a bit heavy today but form is definitely much better, I'm punching underneath more and it's definitely making a difference, I didn't press out any reps. I was happy to get 190 for 3.

For some reason my power clean is stuck at 195. I have ended up at 195 for the past three weeks. It was extremely easy, last week I caught it pretty low but today I was catching it much higher. I went for 205 and barely got it past my thighs. What the heck. I power cleaned 210 at one point! I can't believe I'm saying this but I would much rather squat clean. WHO AM I. The cleans at 175 were easy. 

The three rounder was a real DOOZ. The double unders were unbroken the first two rounds. During the third round I tripped up on the 50th rep. EFF. That was annoying. KB swings were all unbroken and burpees were steady, although they felt really slow during the second round. I was pushing pretty hard on the airdyne, especially on the third round. I was breathing pretty hard throughout the whole thing but never felt like I was dying. Recovery was good between sets. I'm definitely getting tougher mentally during workouts like this. I don't stand around and rest anymore. I tell myself as soon as I touch the kettlebell I have to pick it up. On the burpees I just kept reaching towards the ground so I wouldn't rest at the top. My transitions all felt really solid on this. I'm very happy I was able to keep my times consistent. 


A. Hang squat snatch from just above knees, build quickly to a heavy single
B. Front rack walking lunge, 3x6-8 steps; 2:00 rest
C1. DB bench press w/feet and knees raised, 4-4-4-4, 20x1; :60 rest
C2. Axle pendlau row, 4x1-2, 20x0; :60 rest
5:00 airdyne increasing effort every :60 so that last :60 is hard
4 sets:
:20 airdyne sprint
3:10 walk rest or airdyne very easy
5:00 airdyne @Z1

A. 145 (155 Fx2)
B. 135-145-155
C1. 30-40-45-50(2)
C2. 130-140-150-155(1)

Snatches were MUCH better than they were on Saturday. I pushed my terrible lifting session from the weekend out of my head. I worked up to an easy 145, it felt great. I got under 155 pretty easily but at the last second I fell forward, DAMMIT. I really thought I had it. It would have been nice to hit that because that's my current hang snatch PR. I tried again and it wasn't even close the second time. I'm happy that 145 was so easy though. I also realized I can't wear my knee sleeves when I'm snatching from just above the knees. As I was moving the bar down into position, I realized I was very aware of the bar moving over my knee sleeves and it was distracting. I pulled them down and was able to snatch just fine without them, so that's good. Maybe I don't have to rely on them as much as I thought. 

Walking lunges went really well, those are actually pretty enjoyable. I got 155 for 8, the last few steps were tough but it never felt horrible. 

DB bench wasn't as good as last week, I was only able to get 2 on the last set. I always really struggle with the first rep on DB bench. Pendlay row was tough simply because my hands are small and it's hard for me to grip the axle once the weight gets really heavy, I'm basically just doing what I can on that. 

Airdyne sprints were rough as usual, I went really hard on these. Legs were hurtin real good.

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