Thursday, October 22, 2015




6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
2x[:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. Snatch pull, 5x1@185, :90 rest
B. 1-arm DB row w/straps, 3x4-7/arm, 21x1; :45 between arms
5 sets @high effort:
10 russian KB swings, 53
30 double unders
:30 rest
200m run
:30 rest
Not for time:
1500m row cool down

6 sets complete

A. complete
B. 40-45-50 (5 on the L)

Today was a good day!

AM session was good, double unders felt excellent this morning. Also getting better at engaging my lats during the planks instead of keeping my traps tense. 

Snatch pulls are getting so easy, 185 was getting pretty high today (video). The first three reps were a bit higher than the last two, but overall these felt really good. I'm getting very anxious to get back to snatching. Also, please enjoy this bonus video I caught of myself talking about how I should have a whistle like Captain von Trapp from Sound of Music. I'm so weird. But we already knew this. 

DB rows were good. 

I enjoyed the KB/double under piece, I really liked the :30 rest before the run. I was pushing the run a lot more since I was getting a bit of rest before/after. It was nice to do some KB swings today! Shoulder felt really good through the entire training session. Maybe we could start testing this out a bit more? Ehhhhh? 


4 sets of:
6:00 bike easy
3:00 Balza rehab of choice

A. Back squat clusters, 3x1.1.1, 20x1, :10 between reps; :90 rest
B. DB pull-overs, 3x7-10; :90 rest
For 15:00
1st: 14 alternating box step ups/step downs, 20
2nd: 8 scap push ups on rings
3rd: :20 axle double overhand deadlift hold, 160
Not for time:
800m walk cool-down


A. 225-235-245
B. 12-15-20

Back squats felt reallyyyyyy heavy today. I'm not sure if it's because I'm used to doing them on day 1 and now I'm doing them on day 2? Either way they were really hard. 

I really enjoyed the DB pull-overs, today was the first time I had ever done these. These are definitely a good exercise to help practice engaging my lats. 

The EMOM was pretty good, step ups were all completed in :30. Scap push ups on the rings were a bit awkward the first set but it got better as I went along. The axle deadlift hold was very tough, by the fifth set the bar was slipping out of my hands. I never dropped it early but I was very close. Curse my tiny hands and weak grip. 

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