A. Front squat, 2-2-2-2, 20x1; 2:30 rest
B. Toes to bar, 15x3 unbroken, begin a set every :20
AMRAP in 10:00
3 squat cleans, 155
15 assault bike calories
27 wall balls, 14 to 9'
Crossover Symmetry recovery
A. 185-195-205-215
B. complete
2 rounds + 15 calories
Front squats went really well today, I think the hardest part was how heavy it felt in the front rack but the squat was easy.
Toes to bar were super easy.
I really enjoyed the AMRAP, I thought I did pretty well on this? I tried to keep transitions really short. Squat cleans were all singles with short breaks in between. Wall balls were broken up 17/10 because I wanted to leave something in the tank for the squat cleans. I really wanted to get back to the wall balls but alas, I did not.
I trained at Continuity before I coached the 9:30 class and I didn't have time to do any shoulder accessory stuff before class.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Long, unplugged hike
Had a coach meeting in the morning and it was also gross and rainy.
Had a coach meeting in the morning and it was also gross and rainy.
A. 3 touch and go power cleans + 3 shoulder to overhead, build to a tough set
B. Muscle ups, 3x max (-1), 2:00 rest
Partner work TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 165
B. 5-5-5
AMRAP in 20:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:
1000m row
50 wall balls
200m farmers walk, heavy!
50 wall balls
(2 rounds + 530m w/Andrew)
I think Saturdays are my LEAST favorite training day. I enjoy the programming, I just don't like training in the morning. Also, it's depressing when I get there and everyone leaves. I just don't have a lot of motivation on Saturdays. Meh. Just some random thoughts.
Barbell complex was okay, I knew I had to get at least 150 on this because I basically did the bear complex at this weight. I did one set at 155 and it was really easy so I went for 165. It was tough and I should have worn my lifters, my foot kept slipping on the platform with each split jerk.
Muscle ups were weird today. The first three would always feel really easy but then for some reason I started catching really low. I filmed myself on the last set and it looks like my kip is very restricted, I'm barely moving my shoulders at all. I definitely need to work on this.
The partner workout was probably the hardest one I've done in awhile. This one was rough. Andrew and I split up the row 500m each and I was trying to keep the row around 1:56. We did the wall balls in sets of 10 and split up the farmers carry 50/50/50/50. I thought the farmers carry was the worst part, it was just hard to breathe. Props to Andrew for finishing out the last minute on the row, that looked awful. He was a very good partner and he's a nice dude. Also, thanks Stevo for cheering us on/pushing us on this.
B. Muscle ups, 3x max (-1), 2:00 rest
Partner work TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice
A. 165
B. 5-5-5
AMRAP in 20:00 with a partner, one person working at a time:
1000m row
50 wall balls
200m farmers walk, heavy!
50 wall balls
(2 rounds + 530m w/Andrew)
I think Saturdays are my LEAST favorite training day. I enjoy the programming, I just don't like training in the morning. Also, it's depressing when I get there and everyone leaves. I just don't have a lot of motivation on Saturdays. Meh. Just some random thoughts.
Barbell complex was okay, I knew I had to get at least 150 on this because I basically did the bear complex at this weight. I did one set at 155 and it was really easy so I went for 165. It was tough and I should have worn my lifters, my foot kept slipping on the platform with each split jerk.
Muscle ups were weird today. The first three would always feel really easy but then for some reason I started catching really low. I filmed myself on the last set and it looks like my kip is very restricted, I'm barely moving my shoulders at all. I definitely need to work on this.
Kip on the first muscle up vs kip on the fifth muscle up |
The partner workout was probably the hardest one I've done in awhile. This one was rough. Andrew and I split up the row 500m each and I was trying to keep the row around 1:56. We did the wall balls in sets of 10 and split up the farmers carry 50/50/50/50. I thought the farmers carry was the worst part, it was just hard to breathe. Props to Andrew for finishing out the last minute on the row, that looked awful. He was a very good partner and he's a nice dude. Also, thanks Stevo for cheering us on/pushing us on this.
Didn't have time to do bis and tris, had to get to a massage!
30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 5-6 moderate barbell upright rows, 31x0
5:00-8:00 strict muscle up practice
A. Squat snatch, 5x5 @85 touch and go, begin a set every :60
B. Back squat, 3-3-3, 22x1; 2:30 rest
For time:
30 strict handstand push ups
25 glute-ham sit ups
20 assault bike calories
5:00 rest
30 kipping handstand push ups
25 glute-ham sit ups
20 assault bike calories
Not for time:
200 1-arm farmers walk, 70- switch sides as needed
15:00 bike @Z1
8 reps complete, strung two together
A. complete
B. 205-215-225
I ended up only having fifteen minutes between classes today so I decided to just do the bike, I'll make this up next week.
I am really enjoying my Friday PM sessions, it's probably my favorite training day of the week. I wasn't sure how successful I would be on strict muscle ups today, I've tried every week for three weeks and haven't been able to get another one. I told Leah and Stephen I would buy myself Mazunte if I got one. I failed the first attempt but I did eight after that with no misses! I even strung two together at one point, so that was awesome. These felt really easy today. I guess the key is doing them after a rest day instead of on day 3. Huzzah!
Snatches were easy but got really tiring by the fifth set, I was breathing pretty hard when this was over.
Back squats were really good today, 225 felt solid for three reps with the pause in the bottom.
The last time I did strict handstand push ups they were a complete disaster so I was glad they went well today. I broke them up 10/6/4/5/5 and finished them in 2:14. GHD sit ups were terrible as per usual, these make me so dizzy and they also make everything more difficult. I couldn't breathe on the assault bike because my abs were so sore from the GHD sit ups. Kipping handstand push ups were broken up 23/7, I guess I should have just done all 30 in a row but I could feel myself slowing down and didn't want to go to failure. GHD sit ups were AWFUL on the second round, I slowed way down on these. They are just the worst in every way. I kept the same pace on the assault bike as the first set. This was fun! (Except the GHD sit ups, they are dead to me).
The Farmers carry was tough, my stomach was really sore from the GHD sit ups (because they ruin everything) so I was taking short breaks every 25-30 meters.
30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 5-6 moderate barbell upright rows, 31x0
5:00-8:00 strict muscle up practice
A. Squat snatch, 5x5 @85 touch and go, begin a set every :60
B. Back squat, 3-3-3, 22x1; 2:30 rest
For time:
30 strict handstand push ups
25 glute-ham sit ups
20 assault bike calories
5:00 rest
30 kipping handstand push ups
25 glute-ham sit ups
20 assault bike calories
Not for time:
200 1-arm farmers walk, 70- switch sides as needed
15:00 bike @Z1
8 reps complete, strung two together
A. complete
B. 205-215-225
I ended up only having fifteen minutes between classes today so I decided to just do the bike, I'll make this up next week.
I am really enjoying my Friday PM sessions, it's probably my favorite training day of the week. I wasn't sure how successful I would be on strict muscle ups today, I've tried every week for three weeks and haven't been able to get another one. I told Leah and Stephen I would buy myself Mazunte if I got one. I failed the first attempt but I did eight after that with no misses! I even strung two together at one point, so that was awesome. These felt really easy today. I guess the key is doing them after a rest day instead of on day 3. Huzzah!
Snatches were easy but got really tiring by the fifth set, I was breathing pretty hard when this was over.
Back squats were really good today, 225 felt solid for three reps with the pause in the bottom.
The last time I did strict handstand push ups they were a complete disaster so I was glad they went well today. I broke them up 10/6/4/5/5 and finished them in 2:14. GHD sit ups were terrible as per usual, these make me so dizzy and they also make everything more difficult. I couldn't breathe on the assault bike because my abs were so sore from the GHD sit ups. Kipping handstand push ups were broken up 23/7, I guess I should have just done all 30 in a row but I could feel myself slowing down and didn't want to go to failure. GHD sit ups were AWFUL on the second round, I slowed way down on these. They are just the worst in every way. I kept the same pace on the assault bike as the first set. This was fun! (Except the GHD sit ups, they are dead to me).
The Farmers carry was tough, my stomach was really sore from the GHD sit ups (because they ruin everything) so I was taking short breaks every 25-30 meters.
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