Tuesday, October 21, 2014


A. Squat snatch, 10:00 tech work @ heavy loads
B. DB rear foot elevated split squat, 2 x 6-8/leg, 30X0; :60 between legs
C1. Close-grip bench press, 8-8-8, 20X1; :30 rest
C2. Pendlay row, 3 x 7-9, 20X1; :30 rest
C3. Farmer's walk, 3 x 50m tough; 2:00 rest
3 sets:
:70 AirDyne @ 97%
7:00 rest

A. complete @125, 135, 145 
B. 40- 45 (6)
C1. 105-110-115
C2. 105-115-125
C3. complete with 100#/hand

Snatches were alright today, for some reason my set up was off, I felt like I was doing something different every time. Speed under the bar was good but I went forward on a few reps. I only failed one rep at 145 because my set up was sloppy and I didn't get tight enough. I just need to lift with PATIENCE. I'm glad Chelsea is coming this week so I can get in some oly tech work with her. I think next time I'm going to try snatching without my knee sleeves and see if that makes a difference in my balance and stability at the bottom. Split squats were really tough today, didn't have a lot of energy for those. Bench press was.....mehhhh. I haven't benched in awhile so I wasn't sure how it would go. I hit 115 on the third set, I'm not sure if I've ever done that for 8 reps. Did the 100# things for the farmers walk, I'm glad Heather pushed me to go heavier on that. This was our conversation:

me: What should I use for a tough 50 meter farmers walk?
Heather: 100 pounds
me: I meant for me, not you
Heather: 100 pounds
me: I feel like that's too heavy
Heather: Let me put it this way. 70 pound kettlebell is too light. Dumbbells are too awkward and hard to carry. So you're left with 100 pounds. 
Heather: yes

It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I had only used 100 pounds once before but this time it was much easier. Airdyne sprints actually went pretty well. I felt consistent through each one. They were still very terrible and long and I felt like my legs were on fire but my aerobic recovery is getting better between sets.

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