Tuesday, March 22, 2016


16.4 movement prep

3 rounds not for time:
5-10/side heavy 1-arm DB rows
10 glute-ham sit ups
10 unweighted hip extensions


203 (+2 from Friday)
DNS, totally forgot. 

Happy with my 16.4 redo. I decided to break up the deadlifts 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-3 and this turned out to be a really good decision. It was better for me mentally because I really had no idea where I was, I just knew how many I had to do for the next set. The deadlifts flew by. I also felt much better physically, my lower back wasn't as blown up and I wasn't as fatigued when I got to the wall balls. I tried to rest less on wall balls, I did sets of 10 and then 8/7. I think the row was a bit slower than Friday, my tie break time was exactly the same. I started out with a set of 5 handstand push ups, then 5, 4, 3s, 2s. I felt a bit better going into the HSPU today but they were still just really tough. Lower back was starting to light up every time I brought my knees down to kip and my shoulders were so tired. I was happy to get two more reps and not do worse. At one point I looked at the clock and thought "there's no fucking way I am going to do WORSE on this workout." I managed to squeak out an extra two reps before time ran out. 

I really felt like I couldn't have done any better today, I don't think I would go back and change anything. I just need to work on practicing handstand push ups under fatigue like that. I'm happy with my deadlifts, wall balls, and row. Mentally, I was much more "in it" today than I was Friday. I truly think I gave my best effort today and that's all I can do. 

There's one week left of the Open. Honestly, it's going much faster than last year. I'm already looking forward to getting back to regular training so I can start working on my weaknesses. I have a lot of goals that have started to form over the past few weeks. There are still the same ones as usual- continue to work on aerobic capacity, faster transitions during longer workouts, etc. But there are also new ones- increase grip strength, increase core strength, work on more skillwork under fatigue, tweak nutrition quite a bit, better recovery. But I think my biggest goal right now is to start going dark in my training. The feeling of shutting everything off, making it hurt- I don't do that in training. I never push myself to the point of going dark and getting stupid. Then when the Open rolls around, I have a hard time tapping into that feeling because I rarely ever experience it. I shy away from the pain instead of just being like, "hello darkness, my old friend." Next year, I don't want this feeling to be anything new to me. I want to have experienced it several times before then. I need to go into the pain cave more during training. That is my biggest takeaway from this Open so far. 

Also, I completely forgot to do the three rounds NFT. I vaguely remember Stephen saying something about it as I rolled around on the floor recovering from 16.4 but it immediately left my brain. Then I got distracted talking to Austin and Devin, and then I went to Red Tree, then I came back and checked my email and saw I had other shit to do but by then it was too late. Oops. 

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