A. Power snatch x1/Hang power snatch x1/Hang squat snatch x3; build to a max of the complex in 10 min
7 min amrap:
7 power clean 75#
7 power clean 95#
7 power clean 115#
7 power clean 135#
7 power clean 155#
Amrap in remaining time 175#
A. complete at 85#
35 reps
The snatch complex went better than expected, but it was difficult to hold on to the bar the whole time, especially returning it to a hang. I started with 75 and didn't know if I was going to be able to go up in weight but I went for 85# and was able to do it before my ten minutes was up.
I was both pleased and disappointed with how the clean workout went. I was happy because I was able to touch-and-go all the weight up until 155, but I wasted way too much time taking the weights on and off. I am not used to having to do that in the middle of a workout, so I was flustered and worried I was wasting too much time, which I was. For some reason instead of just sliding a ten pound weight over the five pound weight, I would take the five off, then put the ten on, then put the five back on. While I was doing this I was literally thinking "what the fuck are you doing?" Then once I got up to 155 I was able to touch-and-go the first two reps, but then it was all single reps after that. This was another spot where I wasted too much time, I would do one rep then step away from the bar for too long. By the time I loaded up the bar with 175, my lower back hurt from changing weight so much and I didn't have any energy. I only had 20 seconds to try and clean 175, I tried once and wasn't even close. I'm happy with how this workout went but I know if I hadn't wasted so much time changing weights and trying to catch my breath, I might have had enough time to rest before attempting 175. Oh well, this is one of those days where I definitely learned something from my mistakes and I'll do a better job next time.