For 45:00 @ Z1:
750m row
15 AirDyne calories
200m jog
A. Hang power clean, build to a touch-and-go 3RM
3 sets:
10 touch-and-go axle deadlifts, tough
:30 rest
20 burpees, as fast as possible
2:00 rest
3 rounds not for time:
3 rounds not for time:
7 glute-ham raises
14 reverse hypers
14 reverse hypers
:45 front leaning rest on rings
A. 175
complete, axle deadlifts @170
Today wasn't great, didn't feel focused, felt very tired and sluggish. I thought I might be able to get 180 on the hang cleans but when I went for 175 I could tell that was it. I wish hang cleans didn't hurt my thighs so much but I don't think there's anything I can do about that. The axle deadlift/burpee thing was cool, I probably could have gone a bit heavier on the deadlifts. The burpees were tiring, I was sucking wind pretty badly after each set. Breathing did not feel good today. On the plus side, planks are getting easier!