Wednesday, September 25, 2013


A. Front squat clusters, 2 x; :30 rest between triples, 3:00 rest
B. Muscle-ups, 10:00 easy practice working on stringing together reps
For times (time each set of 5):
5 squat snatches, 95
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 105
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 115
3:00 rest
5 squat snatches, 125

A. 175, 180
B. complete. 4 attempts, strung 2 together each time.

Front squats felt good today, I was coming out of the bottom pretty quickly on each rep. 180 got a little iffy near the end on the third rep of each set but it was still relatively quick. The muscle ups went much better than last week! I tried four times and strung 2 together each time and they felt really easy! I think the trick is not hanging out in the top for very long, as soon as I was up I was already pushing myself back down. Jeff gave me some really good tips and they definitely helped. On my fourth attempt I tried to string three together but failed the third one. It was close though, so maybe next week! The snatches were.....mehhh. Not how I wanted them to go at all. The ones at 95 were actually the worst out of all of them, I don't know what was going on. I strung 3 together and then failed the next rep, then failed the next. WHAT. It definitely got in my head. It took me way too long to do 5 snatches at 95, I should have been able to do that in less than one minute. The snatches at 105 were pretty bad too, I think I failed one or two. I didn't have any misses at 115 and only had 2 misses at 125. The snatches at 125 actually felt the best out of everything, which is weird. My snatches have been very off the past week and it is frustrating me. I told Stephen I feel like I am starting to get "greedy" with my progress, meaning my snatches have gotten relatively good lately (up until this week) so now when I see a workout with snatches I think "I should do very well on this" then when things don't go according to plan I get very frustrated like "my snatches have been good lately, that means all of them should be good all the time from now on". I need to stop thinking this way and remember how much progress I have made. A few months ago I would not have been able to snatch 125# 5 times and I would not have been able to string muscle ups together. I always want to improve but I need to appreciate the progress I have already made. This is something I need to work on.

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