Thursday, September 1, 2016


45:00 assault bike @Z2

A1. Bird dogs, 5x10 alternating; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug, 5x10 alternating (no hands on wall this week); :30 rest
For 10:00
evens: 2-3 squat snatches, 70-80% max
odds: 2-3 squat cleans, 70-80% max
For 10:00
evens: 2-3 ring muscle ups
odds: 2-3 bar muscle ups
For 10:00
evens: :30 row @high aerobic effort
odds: :30 assault bike @high aerobic effort

30:00 airdyne @Z2 

A1. complete
A2. complete
snatch- 125 (2 each set)
clean- 175 (2 each set)

I'm now coaching the 7:00 AM class at MSC so I basically lost an hour and a half of training time during the morning on Wednesdays. I was doing my Z2 assault bike at CFC but now I have to do my Wed AM sessions at MSC and they only have airdynes. I just tried to go at the same pace as usual, it definitely felt like Z2. I also only have 30:00 between classes now as opposed to a three hour break like I used to have. 

Let me just say this. The snatch/clean EMOM sucked. OMG. I really underestimated this. First of all I should note that I came into my PM session completely exhausted. I had been going non-stop since 5:30 AM and I was pretty drained by the time I got to the gym. I really just wanted to skip training and take a nap. As I was warming up for snatches I really didn't think I would be able to snatch above 95 because I was feeling so tired but I was able to warm up to 125 so I decided to go with that for the EMOM. I didn't really warm up for cleans, I cleaned 125 once and that was it. Snatches felt good, cleans felt terrible. My legs were so dead. This piece was actually pretty tough, I underestimated how heavy these would start to get. My lower back was also starting to get blown up a little bit due to taking the weight on/off each minute. Stephen gave me some good advice and told me to just put the weights on over the clips so I wouldn't waste as much time. This workout ended up being pretty hard. Ten snatches at 125 and ten cleans at 175 in ten minutes. RIP my legs. 

Muscle ups were easy today. I caught the last set of ring muscle ups on straight arms just to see if I still could. I might start messing around with this again. 

Very tired today.


8 sets:
500m row @2:02.0-2:02.9/500m
2:30 walk rest (10:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time:
15m handstand walk
5 dragon flags, slow descent
A. Power clean, 3-3-3-3-3 moderate touch and go, begin a set every 2:00
4 sets for even times:
.5 mile assault bike
10 medball to shoulders, 75
15 burpees
4:00 rest
Crossover Symmetry recovery


A. 125-145-165-185-190(PR+5)
Balza rehab 

Very happy with the 3RM touch and go power clean PR, I wasn't really shooting for a PR today but everything was feeling good so I decided to go for it. 

The assault bike/medball workout sucked. I tried to hold between 60-62 RPM on the assault bike and then go right into the medball. I think the only thing that really slowed down each set was my rest between medball reps, I kept the assault bike at the same pace and all my burpees were pretty steady. Another muggy day in the gym, another day of not being able to breathe. 

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