Thursday, October 2, 2014


3000m row @ Z1

A. Power clean, 8 x 1 moderate; begin a set every :60
10:00 to establish best 3 sets of unbroken double-unders
3 rounds not for time:
4-5 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
15 moderate reverse hypers
10 glute-ham sit-ups


A. 125-145-155-165-175-185-185-190
15# DB for GHS
35#/side for RH

Z1 felt surprisingly tough this morning, I was exhausted. The first 1500 meters were a little rough but then I was able to settle into a good pace. I finished in 15:08. 

I'm really happy with the power cleans, they felt very easy. The first few reps were alright but I could tell my butt was coming up too high when I was pulling off the ground so for the heavier weight I made sure to keep my chest up and butt down and it made a huge difference. I did 185 twice because I caught it a little low the first time. 190 felt SUPER easy, I definitely could have gone heavier. I was a little disappointed with the double unders, my shoulders fatigued pretty quickly on those and my breathing was not great. I think 120 might be a PR but I'm not sure. GHS are getting better but still a bit awkward on the way down. 

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