Saturday, April 27, 2013


20 min amrap:
Run 400m
20 wall balls 30#
20 CTB chin ups
Power snatch 65#
Ring dips

3 rounds + 100 meter run (accidentally used 14# ball instead of 20# ball, oops!!) 


Today was pretty rough. The AM session was fine, it was just long. And I accidentally used a 14# ball instead of a 20# ball for the wall balls.... I didn't really pay attention to the fact that the mens weight was 30# instead of 20#...meaning we should have used a 20# ball. Oops. The worst part was the CTB pull ups, they didn't feel great today. The PM session was terrible. Snatches felt good, did them all in sets of 5, but the ring dips were pretty bad, I still don't know how to kip my ring dips so I basically did all of them strict. They got really tough, especially near the end. I definitely need to practice kipping ring dips more. I feel like lately every time I do a workout I find another skill I have to add to the list of things to practice. 

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