Thursday, August 21, 2014


Overhead squat practice
A. 1 push jerk + 3 split jerks, 3 x 1 tough; begin a set every 2:00
For time:
30 ball slams, 30
20 wall balls, 30 to 9
10 muscle-ups
3 sets:
:45 row @ 97%
5:30 rest

185 (PR+30)
A. 145-155-165
217 m

Great training day! I am really pumped about my overhead squat PR. I was not expecting to get up that high so I started relatively low with 105, then 125, 145, 155. I was going to stop at that point but Stephen told me to go for 160. Then I hit 165, 175, and 185. I got 195 overhead but I lost it in the bottom of the squat. My shoulders were pretty tired by that point. I definitely think I can hit 195 next time and maybe even 200! My arms/shoulders were tired after this so Stephen told me I only had to do 3 sets of the push jerk/split jerk complex instead of 5. Thanks Stephen! The muscle up workout went well, the ball slams were unbroken but pretty fatiguing on my shoulders. Wall balls were one at a time but I tried to pick it up right away. Muscle ups were done 3/4/3 because my arms were basically toast at this point but the MUs still felt pretty decent. Excellent day of training.


45:00 @ easy pace:
1000m row
25 AirDyne calories
50m tough sled drag indoors

A. Hang power clean, build quickly to a tough set of 5
7 sets for times:
15 double-unders
12 Russian kettlebell swings, 70
9 burpees
:90 rest
3 rounds not for time:
9 weighted glute-ham raises
12 ab wheel roll-outs
15 moderate reverse hypers

complete with 105# on sled

A. 160

I was a little disappointed in the hang clean. My 5RM hang power clean is 170, I went from 155 to 165 but I knew I wouldn't be able to get 165 for 5. I dropped to 160 and was able to get 5 reps at that weight but it felt really tough today. My hang cleans have felt off lately. The KB/burpee workout was cool, I was pleased I was able to keep relatively the same time for every round. Burpees got a little tough in the 7th set. 


50:00 AirDyne @ Z1, off bike every 5:00 for 6 fast burpees + 6 wall balls @ 20 to 10

A. Squat snatch, 5 x 1 @ 125; begin a set every :60
B1. Back squat, 10-7-4 @ 80%, 20X0 - stick to the tempo; :30 rest
B2. Rope climbs, 3 x 1 as fast as possible; 2:00 rest
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x AMRAP in :30; :30 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 4-5, 20X0; :30 between arms, :30 rest
C3. DB walking lunge steps, 3 x 10 total; :30 rest
3 sets:
:35 AirDyne @ 97%
5:00 rest


A. complete
B1. 155-165-185
B2. complete
C1. 15-15-14
C2. 60-65-70
C3. complete w/ 40# DBs

Snatches were feeling a bit off today, I wasn't very fast under the bar and I kept landing forward on my toes. I don't think I was staying tight enough in my set up. Back squats felt really good, the best they have felt in a month. The pain in my lower back is almost completely gone and I could barely feel it (thanks Pete!). Rope climbs are getting much faster which is good. Ring push ups felt easier than last week. 

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