A. Squat snatch, 5 x 1 @ 125; begin a set every :60
B1. Back squat, 10-7-4 @ 80%, 20X0 - stick to the tempo; :30 rest
B2. Rope climbs, 3 x 1 as fast as possible; 2:00 rest
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x AMRAP in :30; :30 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3 x 4-5, 20X0; :30 between arms, :30 rest
C3. DB walking lunge steps, 3 x 10 total; :30 rest
3 sets:
:35 AirDyne @ 97%
5:00 rest
A. complete
B1. 155-165-185
B2. complete
C1. 15-15-14
C2. 60-65-70
C3. complete w/ 40# DBs
Snatches were feeling a bit off today, I wasn't very fast under the bar and I kept landing forward on my toes. I don't think I was staying tight enough in my set up. Back squats felt really good, the best they have felt in a month. The pain in my lower back is almost completely gone and I could barely feel it (thanks Pete!). Rope climbs are getting much faster which is good. Ring push ups felt easier than last week.