Tuesday, April 16, 2013


For time:

2k row
50 pistol squats
30 hang power cleans (135#)


Pretty disappointed with how this went. The row felt great and I came off the rower at about 9:00, then shit went downhill when I started doing pistols. It took me around 9:00 to do the pistols, and they felt awful. I was able to do the right leg perfectly but the left leg was terrible. I was able to get some near the beginning, but at the end I was failing. It was extremely frustrating. I got to the hang cleans around 18:00,  knocked out 5 in a row, then 3 then 2. I was able to do them in groups of 2 a few more times but then had to go to singles. I was just taking way too much rest between groups of cleans. The weight felt easy but I was so out of breath (as usual) that I was wasting too much time resting. Overall I am pretty disappointed in this performance, and I am going to start working on pistols much more. I need to be able to do these types of workouts much faster and be able to do every single movement well.

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