Wednesday, August 26, 2015


15 sets:
:60 airdyne @weird speedometer pace
:60 airdyne @50%
15:00 mobility of choice

A. Power clean, build to a touch and go 2RM
B. 2 behind the neck push presses + 2 behind the neck push jerks, 4x1, 21x1; 2:00 rest
5 rounds for even times:
12 alternating shoulder taps
15 KB swings, 53
:60 walk rest
800m walk cool down


A. 185 (190 Fx2, hit the first rep on both sets but failed the second rep)
B. 95-115-125-135


Merrrrrr. Still feeling tired and not 100% today.

I was really disappointed with the 2RM clean, I hit 185 for 3 last week. I did it for 2 this week and assumed I would be able to hit 190, which is my current power clean 2RM. I hit the first rep but caught it weird so my hands were in an odd position and I couldn't really return it so I just dropped it. I went for it again and got it easily on the first rep but barely missed the second rep. Efffff. This was disappointing. I should be able to do at least 195 for two these days. 

Behind the neck stuff was cool, shoulders still feeling a bit sore. 

I enjoyed the shoulder tap/KB swing piece, it got pretty tiring with only a minute between sets. 

I'm tired.


5000m row @Z1

A. Squat snatch, 1-1-1-1-1 (not maxes); 2:00 rest
B. Back squat barefoot, 5x2-3, 31x1; 2:30
For 10:00
Evens- 3-4 unbroken bar muscle ups
Odds- :30 double unders
3 rounds not for time:
10 moderate trap 3, 30x0
15 light/moderate reverse hypers

complete, off every 1000m for 3:00 mobility

A. 125-135-145-150-155
B. 145-155-165-175-180(2)
4 bar MUs eachs set
10# for trap 3
35#/side for RH

Holy shit. This is probably the worst my legs have ever felt. I added in some mobility in the AM session because I was so stiff, the first set of 1000m was pretty rough. 

This is going to sound dramatic, but I was dreading the snatches today. The thought of dropping into a squat just sounded like the worst thing ever because my legs were basically useless. As I was warming up they started loosening up a bit but I still didn't think I would be able to snatch any higher than 125. I surprised myself by working up to 145 pretty easily. I went to 155 but failed twice, so I dropped down to 150. I went back up to 155 but I failed it twice because I was being a little bitch and not pulling my arms back. The pull was really fast and easy but I wasn't being aggressive in the turnover, as per usual. That's always the problem. I think I need to start focusing on this more in my snatch warm up. I finally hit 155 on the third attempt. I feel like I'll never snatch over 155 again.

Back squats were pretty terrible, legs were garbage. 

The EMOM was cool, bar muscle ups are feeling great. 4 unbroken each set. The :30 of double unders actually got surprisingly tough, I figured I was averaging about 50-60 double unders per set. 

Not for time stuff was pretty pathetic, I was feeling really drained and tired by this point. Definitely still recovering from the competition(s) because my arms, shoulders, and legs were so tired. 

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