Friday, May 10, 2013


A. “Jackie”
1000 meter row
50 thrusters (45#)
30 pull ups
7:00 to build to a OHS 3RM from the ground
3 sets of:
3 burpee muscle ups as fast as possible
2:00 rest
A. 8:32 (PR)
115#, called it after that due to pain in wrist
:59, :50, DNF (got 2 but could not get the third MU)
Today was both good and bad. I am really proud of how I did on Jackie, I expected my time to be 9:00 or more, but I felt like a kept a really good pace the whole time and I am really happy with how it went. The OHS were a little rough, had to call it early because it was really painful on my wrist. I was hoping the pain would go away after I hurt it on Wednesday but it's still bothering me so I had to stop the OHS after 115# even though I think I could have hit 125#. Oh well, I don't want to hurt it even worse. The burpee muscle ups started out pretty good after we figured out how to jump to the rings, but I wasn't able to finish the third round. I got the first two muscle ups then just could not get the last one, something was off with my grip. It's going to take some practice getting used to jumping to the rings since they are so high (for me, ha). I also ended up tearing my wrists. But I enjoyed the last part. Excited to hit some more of the team regionals wods tomorrow! 

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