Wednesday, May 15, 2013


A. Build to a tough OHS double from the ground
B. Rope climb work
For time:
30 wall ball (14# to a 10' target)
30 CTB pull ups
30 pistol squats (alternating)
30 dumbbell snatches (50# alternating)

A. 125
B. 5 rope climbs

The OHS went better than they did on Friday, but there is still a pain in my wrist when I get the bar overhead. I have to hold the bar a weird way for there not to be pressure on my wrist which makes squatting more difficult. Hopefully this wrist pain goes away within the next week. I was really pleased with my rope climbs, my technique is getting a lot better and I'm definitely using my feet a lot more, they felt good today. The 30s workout SUCKED so much. I was breathing heavily the whole time and felt terrible. My pistols are getting quicker but once I got to the dumbbell snatches, it was just bad. The snatches felt really heavy. I was really disappointed because on Saturday I was able to just rip them out consistently, today I was resting way too much and not getting under them enough. At one point I literally said out loud "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME" haha. My time ended up being almost 2 min slower than it was on Saturday. Oh well. Just gonna keep practicing this one until I can get it below 10:00. Also a big shout out to Heather McC for staying and cheering me on through that workout.

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