Thursday, August 6, 2015


7-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 FLR on ground
:60 airdyne
:30/side plank
:60 single unders

A. Overhead squat, build to a 1RM
B. 1-arm DB row, 4x2-3/side, 20x1; :60 between sides
C1. Barbell farmers walk (both arms) 2x15-20m; :60 rest
C2. Handstand walk, 2x40', :60 rest
5 sets:
:10 prowler sprint w/straight arms, add a little weight
1:50 walk rest
3 rounds not for time:
4-6 weighted glute-ham raises, 20x1
:20 L-sit on parallettes accumulation 
3 dead hang to inverted

7 sets complete

A. 200 (PR + 15)
B. 65-70-75-80(2)
C1. 70#/side both sets
C2. complete
complete w/100# on prowler
15# DB for GHR

Excellent day! I was definitely not expecting the overhead squat PR. For the past few weeks my overhead squats have not felt strong at all, I was only expecting to hit 175-180 today. I tried to work up to my max as quickly as possible, I was making 20 pound jumps. I hit 180 pretty easily so went for 190 and got it. I asked Austin if I should just go for 200 and he said yes. I really surprised myself on the behind the neck jerk, it wasn't difficult at all. Once I was in the bottom of the squat I could feel myself starting to rock forward on my toes. I stood it up and immediately dumped it. I was afraid it didn't count because I only showed a few seconds of control at the top before I dropped it, but I showed the video to Stephen and he said it was fine. PR! It's pretty sweet to have a 200 pound overhead squat, never thought that would happen any time soon. 

DB rows were fine as per usual.

The barbell farmers carry might be one of the most frustrating movements I've done so far. It takes so many attempts to get those fuckers balanced and steady. It probably took me at least 6 attempts before they were balanced enough for me to walk with them. Joel was watching me struggle and had a good laugh. GLAD YOU FIND THIS FUNNY, JOEL. Handstand walk was slow today, I broke both sets around 30'. 

Prowler sprints felt so short! Ten seconds is the best! I added 10 more pounds from the last time I did ten second sprints. 

Not for time stuff was better today, although I'm pretty worried about the L-sit at the competition, my L-sit is pretty weak. 


16 sets:
:30 airdyne @weird speedometer pace
:30 airdyne @50%
3 rounds not for time:
5 strict pull ups right into :15-:20 active hang from bar
3 strict handstand push ups right into :15-:20 active handstand hold against wall
16 sets:
:30 airdyne @weird speedometer pace
:30 airdyne @50%

A. Hang power clean & split jerk, build to a heavy single
B. Behind the neck shoulder press, 4x2-3, 21x1; 2:00 rest
3 rounds for even times:
5 wall walks
10 deadlifts, 175
15 burpees
3:00 walk rest
800m walk cool down

First set of airdyne complete, then something came up so I wasn't able to finish the rest of the session, will make up Thursday

A. 200 (Hang clean PR + 10)(205 Hang clean, PR + 15, failed the jerk)
B. 75-85-90-95(2)

I am totally failing with Z1 this week, sorry Stevo. Had to deal with something this morning so I only got the first part of the airdyne finished. I will try to make this up on Thursday.

I was really pleased with the hang power clean PR, 205 is a 15 pound PR. I made 200 for the full lift and it was really easy. I easily made the clean at 205 but failed the jerk, it was out in front. Im confident I can hit 195-200 at the competition this weekend. 

Behind the neck press was meh.

Rounds for even times were alright, wall walks slowed down in the second and third set. I broke up the deadlifts 5/5 each set, normally I wouldn't break up 10 reps at 175 but it was painful on my hands. I tried to stay steady on the burpees. Wall walks were the limiting factor. 

800m walk cool down was enjoyable today. 

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