Wednesday, May 27, 2015


A. Snatch event run-through
B. Handstand walk, 100' for time
DL/CTB work with Conner
For time:
25 muscle snatches, 55
5 rope climbs
20 thrusters, 75
10:00 airdyne @Z1

A. 145-150-155
B. :51

I was really happy with the snatch event run through. I worked up to 145 pretty quickly (95-115-135-145) and hit it once during the actual run through. Stephen told me to go up to 150 so I did, and I got it! Then he told me to go up to 155 and I hit that as well. Every snatch was easy. I was very happy to get 155, it's 10 pounds under my snatch PR and it wasn't difficult. Stephen said I might PR my snatch soon. I would love to hit a 170 snatch in the next few months.

Handstand walk was better than Saturday but still didn't feel great, I really think wearing my lifting shoes makes a difference. I was able to do the first 50' unbroken, had a quick turnaround, but I fell down in the same spot as Saturday (40'). Meh. I'm hoping this will be quicker at regionals since we won't have to stop and turn around. 

DL/CTB work with Conner was the best session we've had so far, we've become more comfortable with the deadlifts. Pull ups were also better, I jumped to the bar instead of having him help me up and that made a big difference on my grip. Jessie told us to hold our feet in the hollow position until both of us were matched up, then start the pull ups. It REALLY helped, we were able to sync up so much better after we started doing that. 

The muscle snatch piece was pretty slow. I broke up the snatches 12/8/5. Rope climbs took too long, I was resting too much between climbs. Thrusters were broken up 8/7/5, also too much rest between sets. I missed my partners. 

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