Sunday, May 17, 2015


Team Event 6:
FFF then MMM
Men cannot start until females are finished with the entire workout
50 GHD sit ups each
50 muscle ups total
50 hang power cleans total, 135/205

24:12, I think?

Team Event 7:
Stations of:
30 calorie with deadlift hold, 205/315
30 strict HSPU with HS hold
30 toes to bar with hang from bar
50 foot overhead lunge, 105/155


I am really happy with our performance on the first event, it was pretty awesome. Brandie started on the GHD sit ups, then me, then Jessie. I did all 50 pretty much unbroken, I only paused a few times to catch a breath but then kept moving. Overall, my GHD sit ups were a lot faster than last week. When I got over to the rings, I think Brandie had done 5 muscle ups? I can't remember. I took too long before jumping up there. I think I did 4 in a row then stuck with sets of three the rest of the time. There was a point when we were on the 12th muscle up that I had a slight moment of panic. I just wasn't sure how long it was going to take and 50 seemed like a very large number at the moment. We kept chipping away, Brandie and Jessie doing sets of 2 and me doing sets of 3. We wasted too much time between sets, since the rings are so high there's no possible way to steady them before jumping up there so we would just kind of stand there until they stopped moving. After the workout, we agreed that we're just going to help each other up from now on so we don't waste any time waiting for the rings to stop moving. We finished the 50 muscle ups and I started on the hang power cleans. I did 7, Jessie did 5, Brandie did 2-3. We pretty much stuck with that rep scheme until the 40th rep, then I just did 10 in a row to finish it out. We decided to do that from now on, I know if I'm on the bar at rep 40 then I can take it all the way to 50. Alex told me to "take it to the grave" every time like that, and I know I can. Overall, we finished under the time cap and I know it will only get faster the more we do it, especially with the quicker transitions between muscle ups. 

The second workout was a real DOOZ. This was pretty terrible. The order was Alex, Mark, Conner, Jessie, me, Brandie. The ladies decided to drop the bar every 8 calories, and I think that plan worked out well. The deadlift hold got really tough, not even because of the weight but because my hands felt so raw at that point. I thought my strict handstand push ups were much better than last week, I started with sets of 3 and then went down to sets of 2 around 19, then three quick singles to end it. Jessie did a good job of keeping me motivated through this part, it's easy to get discouraged on these. I did the handstand hold for Brandie, then moved over to the bar to do toes to bar with Jessie. I definitely was resting too long between sets, I should have done smaller sets but shorter rest. The hang from the bar actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, Brandie did two sets of 10 and then a set of 7/3 so it went pretty quickly. The lunge was also better than last week, I only broke once and felt much more stable throughout. It was still pretty difficult, and I also think my hands were too narrow the first half. I widened my grip for the second half and it was a bit easier, but not much. This workout wasn't breathing, it was all muscle fatigue. I don't think I can do the strict HSPU much faster than I did them today but I know I can cut down rest on the toes to bar. 


Team event 3:
F1 (Jessie) then M1 (Conner)
.05 mile run
50 wall balls
F2 (me) then M2 (Mark)
.04 mile run
40 wall balls
F3 (Brandie) then M3 (Alex)
.03 mile run
30 wall balls

Team events 4 & 5:
1 rep max snatch, 6:00 time cap, 1:00 each
6x100 foot handstand walk, 7:00 time cap


145 snatch
50'/50' handstand walk

Another excellent day of team training! I actually really enjoy these events. The run workout went well, although I know it will be a different story when we're on those treadmills. I felt like I was running pretty fast but I could probably kick it up even more the last 200 meters or so. I forget exactly how I broke up the wall balls but I know I broke three times and did 24 to start. Next time we do this, I want try and go unbroken. I had enough time to switch the female/male wall balls and Mark came in shortly after. I just want to make sure I finish the wall balls so Mark isn't waiting on me, I know it won't be a problem but I think if I dig deep I can just do the wall balls unbroken. I know everything is going to feel different after running on that treadmill. Merrrrrr. 

I was really happy with how the snatch event went. As we were warming up, I was feeling pretty stiff. I failed a snatch at 115 and tried not to freak out. They got easier as the weight got heavier, but it still made me nervous. I basically have one attempt and I didn't want to fail. When it was my turn, I hit 145 easily. Stephen said he might have me try for 155 so I'm going to practice that this week. The handstand walk was much faster than last week, I went 50 feet unbroken, had a very quick turnaround, then did the second 50 feet unbroken. The last 10 feet were pretty tough but I was able to make it. I think when we're at regionals and we're doing the handstand walk on the straightaway it will be much easier to go a farther distance, having to turn around at 50 feet throws off the momentum. Very happy with our performance on these events today! 


For time with Conner:
Partner deadlifts, 410
Syncho CTB pull ups


For time with Jessie and Brandie (and the bros)
100 snatches, 55
15 rope climbs
50 thrusters, 75

complete, not sure of the total team time

AM session with Conner was good and bad. We decided to do kipping pull ups instead of butterfly and it actually ended up working really well for us, I think we're going to stick with kipping because there's a much larger chance of getting out of sync if we butterfly. I'm definitely cool with kipping because we're reducing the amount of no-reps. We started the workout and did 21 pull ups before we realized we were supposed to start with the deadlifts. Oops. We rested about 10 minutes and started over. The deadlifts were pretty bad, we weren't spread out on the bar correctly and we were resting way too long between sets. Also, Conner and I deadlift very differently (he's more controlled on the way down, I tend to bounce the bar off the ground) and I wasn't waiting for him to fully extend his hips at the top before I would start the descent, so our bar ended up doing a weird worm motion. We also weren't communicating at all during the deadlifts, I was just kind of guessing when I was supposed to put the bar down. We communicated really well on the pull ups, kipping made it easier for us to stay in rhythm and I was able to keep my eye on Conner to make sure I was hitting the bar at the same time. We stuck to sets of 3 but I know in the future we will be able to do sets of 5, our arms were fatigued from the premature set of 21 before we started over. I know if we continue to practice our deadlift and cut down the rest between sets we can shave off a bunch of time on this. 

PM session was really fun, I like this workout. We cut down the reps but we were still able to get a good idea of how the event is going to feel. Basically, we just have to go balls out on every set. Snatches were light and fast. Rope climbs were pretty quick, these have improved so much. I know they will be more tiring once we do the full workout though. The thrusters were not as bad as I thought they would be, I did a set of 7 every time but I think I could definitely do sets of 10. I need to increase my speed on these. Overall, this was a good workout. I felt like I had just enough rest to slightly recover before my turn, and I never felt like I couldn't do another set of something.


24 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%


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