Wednesday, September 2, 2015


20 sets:
:60 airdyne @weird speedometer pace
:60 airdyne @50%
15:00 mobility work of choice

A. Power clean, build to a touch and go 5RM
B. 1 behind the neck push press + 3 behind the neck push jerks, 4x1, 21x1; 2:00 rest
8 rounds for even times:
8 hand release push ups
8 double-overhand axle deadlifts, 110
8 wall balls, 14 to 10
:60 walk rest
800m walk cool down


A. 165
B. 115-125-135-145

Somehow my touch and go power clean maxes are getting worse. Before I started, I looked in my blog and it says my TNG power clean 5RM is 175. I did 170 for three today just to test it out and I didn't possibly think I could get a fourth. I dropped to 165 and did 5 easily but I don't think I could have gone any heavier. I have no idea how I did 175 for 5 at one point, but I should definitely be able to do 175/180 for 5. The same thing happened last week, I was 5 pounds underneath my 2RM TNG max. Merrrr. This is probably just a classic case of bitch fever. 

Behind the neck stuff was solid today, the only tough rep was the push press at 145, I almost thought I wasn't going to be able to lock it out but I got it. 

I really enjoyed the 8 sets for even times. Times got slower on the seventh and eight set because my grip was starting to get tired on the axle deadlifts and I had to slow those down a little bit. 

Austin joined me on my cool down walk so that was enjoyable. 

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