Friday, January 2, 2015


35:00 airdyne @Z1 


A. Clean thruster. build quickly to a heavy fast single
AMRAP in 5:00, treat as the open
30 KB thrusters, 35
20 toes to bar
10 muscle ups
3 sets:
:40 row @97%
4:50 rest

A. 155
6 muscle ups

I was definitely not feeling 100% today, most likely due to lack of sleep (this is why new years eve is the worst). Clean thruster was pretty solid, I worked up to 155 very easily. 

The AMRAP was a little disappointing. The KB thrusters were definitely the hardest part. Alex told me to go 12-10-8 instead of 10-10-10 and I'm glad I did, I think that was better choice from a mental standpoint because it's always easier when the numbers are decreasing. The last set of a 8 was a struggle. Once I got to the toes to bar, I realized my grip was already shot. As I was reaching up towards the bar my hands and forearms were pretty fatigued. I knew this would not bode well for the muscle ups. And it didn't. I got to the rings with two minutes left and only got six muscle ups. Mehhhh. Not great. I was hoping to get at least 8. The first muscle up was a shock, I could barely pull my arms back at the top of the dip. I did two in a row then did all singles after that. Every rep was difficult because my grip was just so tired from the KB thrusters. Breathing was never an issue, I've done muscle ups much better than that while breathing a lot harder. It was basically all grip. I would like to do this one again at some point because I know I can do better on this. On the plus side, I thought I would have to do this workout completely by myself but Stephen, Heather, Alex, Annie, Cody and Jon all stuck around and cheered me on. That was really nice. I probably would have rested a lot longer between muscle ups if I didn't have Stephen telling me to test it out. 

Row sprints were pretty much the same as last time, legs were smoked today. Overall just felt very drained, I'm glad the holidays are over so I can get back on a normal schedule. 


3 sets:
300m ski erg @90% aerobic
:60 rest
30 airdyne cals @90%
:60 rest
500m row @90% aerobic

A. Split jerk cluster from blocks, 4x1.1, :10-:20 between singles; 2:00 rest
B. Power clean, build to a max for the day
For 15:00
1st min: 2-3 power clean singles @80% of B
2nd min: 3-5 touch and go deadlifts @80% of B
3rd min: 30-50 double unders
10:00 airdyne easy


A. 155-175-185-195
B. 195 (200 Fx2)
complete with 155#
3 cleans/5 DL/50 DU each set. all DU unbroken

Last training session of 2014! Everything went really well today. Split jerks felt really good, I only had a slight press out on the second rep at 195 but overall my split jerks are getting much better. I just try to remember everything Chelsea Kyle told me about punching under the bar and keeping my chest up. 

Power cleans were really easy today, I worked up to 195 pretty quickly. I went for 200 and failed twice. Argggg. That's frustrating. I can hit 195 every single time but lately I haven't been able to get above that. I think next time I might try to go 180-190-200 and see if that makes a difference. 

The EMOM was really cool, I enjoyed it a lot. Power cleans at 155 were easy. I did 50 double unders each time and they were all unbroken. Excellent day!

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