Sunday, February 7, 2016


A. 1&1/4 front squats, 5-5-5; 2:30 rest
B. Thruster, build quickly to a tough but fast single out of the rack
6:00 @90% of [3 toes to bar + 3 thrusters @65 + 6 toes to bar + 6 thrusters @65 and so on...]
3:00 rest
6:00 @90% of [18 box step up/step downs @20 + 12 assault bike calories]
3 rounds not for time:
5-10 unweighted glute-ham raises
10 glute-ham sit ups

A. 145-165-175
B. 165

Today was awesome! Addi came in and trained with me. I forgot how much I missed working out with people. I enjoy doing my own programming but I like training with someone else every now and then. It was really cool having her hop in on my training. 

Front squats were feeling good today, I think 175 is pretty solid for five? The one and a quarter squats always get a bit rough on the last two reps. 

I wish I could take thrusters from the rack all the time! This was neat. Addi and I both worked up to 165 which is 5 pounds under my PR and I'm pretty sure it was a thruster PR for Addi. 

The toes to bar/thruster piece actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thrusters felt better today than they have in a long time, my shoulders were holding up nicely today. My core totally gave out on the toes to bar. Merrrrr. 

The step up/assault bike piece was terrible. Addi definitely pushed me on this one, she would hop off the bike and go right to the box so I tried to do that as well. The assault calories got nasty by the third round. 

Overall this was a really good day. I think Addi and I are going to start training together on Saturdays. We make a good team, I push her on the strength work and she pushes me on the aerobic pieces. It's nice to have a training buddy every now and then. 



10:00 bike @Z1
4 sets:
:30 row sprint- increase effort every :10 so last :10 is 100%
3:30 walk rest
10:00 mobility work of choice 

A. Snatch (any variation), build to a moderate single in exactly 3 attempts above 105
B. Clean (any variation), build to a moderate single in exactly 3 attempts picking up where you left off in A
For time:
5 squat cleans, 155
10 bar muscle ups
100 double unders
For 10:00
evens- 9 kipping handstand push ups
odds- 9 touch and go deadlifts, 125
3 rounds not for time:
20-30m double KB/DB overhead carry
4/side moderate powell raise, 30x0


A. 155
B. 200
35# KB
12# for PR

Man, I was lifting like a real turd today. I was really looking forward to the lifting portion, I thought it was a cool set up and I definitely need to work on making larger jumps. For the snatches I went 105-125-145. The snatch at 145 was super easy so I jumped to 160 but I failed it. I tried again but failed. Merrrrr. I went down to 155 and failed that as well. At this point I was getting pretty pissed, I kept failing out in front. I took some weight off and hit 145 just for a confidence boost. I put ten pounds back on and snatched 155 easily. Jesus. This was super annoying. I started at 155 for the cleans, then went to 175. I decided to jump to 200 for my final clean but failed the first attempt. It was such a bad lift, I rushed my first pull and didn't fully extend before pulling myself underneath the bar. I rested for a minute and then cleaned it easily on the second attempt. This was not my finest lifting session. 

The clean/bar muscle up workout was awesome, this went really well. This is a perfect workout for me and I wanted to smash it. The cleans at 155 were all quick singles and weren't hard at all. I was hoping to go unbroken on the bar muscle ups but I ended up breaking them up 7/3. My grip was getting fatigued and I figured it was smarter to just come off the bar than waste time hanging out at the top and risk failure. Double unders were easily unbroken. I was happy to get under three minutes on this and it's always a good day when I can come within five seconds of Megan and Mark on a workout. 

The EMOM was easy, my handstand push ups are getting better every week. 

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