Tuesday, September 16, 2014


A. Squat snatch, 6 x 1 @ 145; begin a set every :90
B1. Back squat, 4-3-2-1, 20X0 - stick to the tempo; :30 rest
B2. Legless rope climbs, 4 x 1; 2:00 rest
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x AMRAP in :60; :30 rest
C2. DB power row, 3 x 4-5/arm, 20X0; :10 between arms, :30 rest
C3. Axle overhead walking lunge steps, 3 x 10 total heavy; :60 rest
3 sets:
:50 AirDyne @ 97%
5:45 rest

A. complete
B1. 195-215-235-245
B2. complete
C1. 22-22-20
C2. 55-60-65
C3. 110-120-130

Solid day of training. I am so happy with how the snatches felt today, I didn't have any misses, I was actually a little shocked at how easy they were. I just tried to remember what Chelsea Kyle told me about lifting with patience. I think if I can snatch 145 consistently then hopefully that means a snatch PR is in the near future, because if I can do the same thing with 150 then it shouldn't be too difficult to get to 165 (hopefully). I wish the back squats had been a bit heavier, I was having some slight discomfort in my SI joint on 235 and 245, I don't think I warmed up enough because it hasn't hurt in awhile. DB power row is awkward. The axle overhead walking lunges were actually pretty cool, I enjoyed it. 


A. Snatch balance, 1-1-1-1-1 heavy; 2:00 rest
B. 1 push jerk + 2 split jerks, 4 x 1 tough; 2:00 rest
For 12:00:
Evens: 3-5 muscle-ups
Odds: 10 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10
3 sets @ 100%:
:20 pull-ups
:20 no push-up burpee box jumps, 20
:20 row
:60 rest

A. 105-115-125-135-145
B. 145-155-165-175
MUs were 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3


8:00 @ 75% of [100m row + 5m handstand walk]
4:00 rest
8:00 @ 85% of [200m run + 20m/side heavy 1-arm Farmer's walk]
4:00 rest
For time:
30 DB man-makers, 25/hand
400m sled drag, very tough grind

complete with 100# thing
complete with 150# on sled


5-6 rounds @ easy pace
2:00 AirDyne
5 dead hang to inverted
2:00 row
3/side light Turkish get-ups

A. Squat clean, 8 x 1 @ 175; begin a set set every :60
B. Segmented snatch-grip deadlift (pause just off ground, just below knees, mid-thigh), 4 x 1 heavy; 3:00 rest
4 rounds for time:
10 DB shoulder-to-overhead, 30/hand
15 CTB pull-ups
6 sets:
50m sled sprint outdoors, 90 on sled
3:00 walk rest
Hollow rock, accumulate 120 seconds; rest and break as needed to ensure solid positions throughout

complete with 25# KB

A. complete
B. 185-195-205-215
I'm gonna be honest, I totally forgot to look at my times on these. I even had a stop watch but I was focusing on how much the sprint hurt and then forgot to look at what the time was errrrrr my bad, if I had to ball park I would say they were between :13-:19


40:00 row @Z1


A. Squat snatch, 6 x 1 @ 140; begin a set every :90
B1. Back squat, 6-4-2 @ 80-90%, 20X0 - stick to the tempo; :30 rest
B2. 1 legless rope climbs + 1 rope climb, 3 x 1; 2:00 rest
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x AMRAP in :45; :15 rest
C2. DB power row, 3 x 5-7/arm, 20X0; :10 between arms, :30 rest
C3. Double KB overhead walking lunge steps, 3 x 10 total heavy; :60 rest
3 sets:
:45 AirDyne @ 97%
5:30 rest

A. complete
B1. 185-205-225
B2. complete
C1. 18-18-20
C2. 50-55-60
C3. complete with 35# KBs

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