Saturday, November 9, 2013


35:00 min airdyne @Z1

A. 1 deadlift + 1 hang squat clean + 2 shoulder-to-overhead, build to a tough (not max) set in 10:00, just to get an idea for next week
B. Clean pull clusters, 3 x 1.1.1 @ 105% clean max; 2:30 rest
6 sets for times, goal is same for all:
7 thrusters, 85
250m row @ 2:03/500m
10 burpees
3:00 rest


A. 175
B. complete @210
1. 2:13/1:58.1 row
2. 2:18/2:00.5
3. 2:24/2:02.0
4. 2:17/2:01.3
5. 2:16/2:01.0
6. 2:11/2:01.3

Today went really well, it was cool training in the afternoon instead of the early morning like I usually do on Saturdays, I had more energy. The deadlift/hang clean/double jerk thing was more difficult than I anticipated, that will definitely be interesting next weekend at the competition. All the cleans felt really good, but it's the second jerk that might give me trouble. I made it up to 175 and jerked it once but didn't even attempt the second jerk. I knew I could get it so I went for it again and got both jerks on the second attempt. I think the key is just focusing on proper technique and also not letting the bar rest on the shoulders for too long, otherwise I start thinking about how heavy it is. I'm hoping to get up to at least 185 next weekend. The thruster/row workout was pretty good, although I need to learn how to pace correctly. Even when Stephen gives me the exact pace I'm supposed to row, I still go out too fast at the beginning. I went out way too fast on the first set, I didn't find a steady pace until the fourth set. Ughhh.  Definitely something I need to improve. The thrusters felt very light and I also recovered quickly after each set so that's good. 


35:00 airdyne @Z1 

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