Sunday, February 16, 2014


On a single 10:00 clock, establish a max overhead squat triple from the ground AND complete 120 double-unders
AMRAP in 15:00:
7 toes-to-bar
9 kettlebell swings, 53
11 wall balls, 14 to 10

complete @135 (PR+10)
7 rounds + TTB, KB, & 4 WB

Good day today. I didn't think I would be able to work up to 135 today, I don't have a very strong OHS so I was excited to get 135 in 10 minutes, and that's a 10 pound PR for my 3RM. Woo! The AMRAP felt fucking great today. My goal was to do everything unbroken and I did. Transitions were quick, I was breathing heavy but not enough to where I felt like I had to really stop and rest. I would have liked to get 8 rounds but I couldn't get all the wall ball in time. Oh well. I am really happy with how this felt. 


A. 3 clean-grip deadlifts + 2 hang power cleans + 1 split jerk, build to a max of the complex
AMRAP in 10:00:
24 alternating pistols
20 handstand push-ups
16 deadlifts, 225
max muscle-ups in remaining time
15:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. 185
9 muscle ups

The complex was frustrating, I failed 185 3 times before I got it. Arggg. Luckily there was no time cap so I asked Stephen if I should keep trying and he said yes. On the first and second attempt I failed the first hang clean, on the third attempt I failed the second hang clean, on the fourth attempt I got it. The AMPRAP went well although I should have gotten more muscle ups. I got the rings with 4:00 left and only got 9 muscle ups. MUs felt very slow today, all of them were in sets of 2 except the 9th rep was a single. The second rep always felt easier than the first. Pistols were actually the fastest they have ever been, those are getting so much better (thanks bees knees). HSPU really fatigued my arms very quickly, I think that's why the MUs weren't great. Deadlifts were broken up 5/4/4/3. 

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