Monday, June 6, 2016


A. 1 power clean + 1 hang power clean + 1 split jerk, 5x1; :90 rest
AMRAP in 5:00
Strict handstand push ups
partner work TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice

(Did the partner workout first)
17:36 w/Dave
A. 125-145-155-165-175
3 rounds:
20 alternating hammer curls, 25#
:30 leg raises
:30 rest
:30 hollow rocks 

Decided to do the partner workout first today because I wanted to partner up with Dave and also work out with Mary-Kate and Devin. This workout definitely got tough about halfway through. Pull ups and wall balls were unbroken every round. I was able to butterfly all the pull ups and they felt really fast. The only thing that really slowed down was the running. It was fun pairing up with Dave on this one! 

However, I will probably not do the workout first anymore because I felt like garbage during the rest of my session. Whoops. Lesson learned. Lifting was rough, my hands hurt from the pull ups so it was tough to grip the bar. The toughest part of the complex was the power clean, the hang clean and split jerk were easy but the clean from the ground got heavy. Ugh. I feel like I should be closer to 200 on a complex like this.

Strict handstand push ups felt terrible, my shoulders were fried. I think I did a set of 7 to start and then it went downhill from there. By the end I was doing 2-3 at a time with a LOT of rest between sets. This was rough. I should definitely be able to do more than 40 in five minutes. 


30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 4-6/side moderate DB upright rows, 31x1

A. Snatch pulls, 6x1 @175, begin a rep every :75
B. Back squat, 3-3-3-3, 40x1; 3:00 rest
C. Weighted strict fat bar pull ups, 3-3-3, 21x0; 2:00 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
7 muscle ups
14 glute-ham sit ups
70 double unders
3 rounds for time:
15 ski erg calories
20 row calories

complete w/25#

A. complete
B. 195-205-215-225
C. 20-25-35
2 rounds +23 double unders

Finally felt back to normal today. 

Snatch pulls were easy except my crappy tape tore right in the middle of two different pulls. That was annoying. 

Back squats were much better than last week. 

I enjoyed the pull ups on the fat bar, that was cool. I can tell doing more fat bar stuff will improve my grip strength. 

I definitely didn't perform how I wanted on the AMRAP. Muscle ups felt really hard today, first round was 5/2 then 3/2/2 for rounds two and three. I caught a few of them pretty low and strained to lock out the dip which hardly ever happens. I was also resting way too much between sets. I tried to stay moving on the GHD sit ups but those always make me dizzy. Double unders were unbroken each round. Meh. I should have gotten at least three rounds on this, not sure why my muscle ups were so off today. 

Ski erg/row cal workout was tough, I didn't think it would take me this long but once I started my goal became to get under 10:00. Ski erg slowed wayyyyy down on the second and third round, my arms were so fatigued and I had no pulling power. Ski erg is becoming one of my least favorite things. I thought I kept the row at a pretty good pace and I tried to keep transitions short between the two movements. I know this should have been closer to 9:00. 


4-6 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg band pull-downs 
:60 single unders

4 sets complete 


30:00 assault bike @Z2, same time/pace as previous weeks

A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow & controlled keeping hips level, :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep, :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 10x3 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C. 1-arm DB row, 3x5-6/side, 20x0, note pause @top this week, :60 between sides
D. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x8-10m unbroken; 2:00 rest
9:00 @90%
12 burpees
15 toes to bar
18 KB swings, 53
3 sets:
:30 front leaning rest on rings
:30 rest

211 cals

A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225#
C. 50-55-60
D. complete @90#

I FEEL LIKE GARBAGE. Today was so much worse than yesterday. I was even MORE sore and fatigued from Murph. 

Clean-grip deadlifts felt so heavy today. 

I kept the lunges at 90# today, I did 100# last week but my right knee has been a bit weird ever since Murph so I didn't want to push the weight too much. 

The nine minute workout was terrible, I slogged through this. My arms were still very tired and I could barely string together more than three toes to bar at a time. My body was just fatigued, like I wanted to just take a nap. Even the FLR on the rings were terrible, I could barely hold for thirty seconds! Murph, you roughed me up real bad. 


8 sets:
500m row @2:08.0-2:08.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hand within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
A. Close-grip bench press, 2-2-2, 20x1, no pause @chest, 2:00 rest
B. Crossover Symmetry recovery
20:00-30:00 easy bike, row, ski erg, sled drag, or combo
10:00 mobility work of choice


A. 115-120-130
B. complete
20:00 assault bike complete

Woke up feeling like shit from Murph, it was rough. I haven't been that sore in a long time. It wasn't hard to keep the rows at the prescribed pace today since I was so tired/sore. 

Bench press was tough today because my arms and shoulders were so fatigued from Murph. I worked up to a double at 130 and it wasn't terrible but I think I could have gone heavier had I been in better shape today. 

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