Monday, August 1, 2016


10:00 triple under and free-standing handstand push up practice- alternate between the 2, nothing fatiguing 
A. Power clean from blocks (bar @mid-thigh), build to a heavy single in 10:00 (clock starts when you load the bar above 125)
For time:
3 strict muscle ups
6 muscle ups
9 bar muscle ups
Partner work, TBD
Bis, tris, and abs of choice

A. 175
1:56 without the strict MUs
For time:
400m run
2 rounds of [12 toes to bar + 12 push ups + 24 air squats]
400m run
2 rounds of [12 toes to bar + 12 push ups + 24 air squats]
400m run


Seriously, this was probably the worst training session I've had in a long time. I came into the gym exhausted and sore. I knew as soon as I started doing my freestanding handstand push ups it was going to be a bad day. My shoulders were so fatigued I couldn't string together more than two handstand push ups. I felt like I could barely control the negative into the next handstand. I skipped the triple unders today because my right knee was feeling a little weird. 

Power cleans from the blocks were also pretty terrible, 175 is usually light for me but today it was just really heavy. It was awkward cleaning from the blocks because I haven't done it in awhile and I was having trouble being explosive and dropping under the bar. I caught 175 really far forward and just called it there. 

Next came the strict muscle ups and these were a shit show. Five attempts, five fails. I just had nothing in my shoulders and couldn't pull. At this point I was pretty pissed and just wanted to be done. I decided to just skip the strict muscle ups because I clearly wasn't going to get any. I did all six regular muscle ups unbroken and bar muscle ups were broken up 3/3/3.  

The workout was pretty slow, my running wasn't great today. Toes to bar were broken up 7/5 each round. I tried to stay steady on the push ups but those get tough for me after awhile. 

I left this training session feeling very discouraged and mad. This was basically me the entire time:

Not a good day at all. Hopefully Monday will be better. 


30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 4-5 moderate barbell upright rows, 31x0

A. Squat snatch, 10x3 touch and go @95, begin a set every :40
B. Back squat, 2-2-2, 20x1; 2:30 rest
3 rounds for time:
10 alternating DB snatches, heavy
15 handstand push ups
20 row calories
Not for time:
30 glute-ham sit ups
200m sandbag carry- switch sides as needed but goal is no drops
20 glute-ham sit ups
200m farmers walk, 35/hand
10 glute-ham sit ups


A. complete
B. 225-240-250
9:00 w/55# DB

Snatches were crisp but I was definitely breathing hard after this. 

Back squats felt heavy today, I wish I could get above 250 for two reps. 

The workout was fun, I thought I pushed myself pretty hard on this. I went at the same time as Leah because we had a similar rep scheme/movements and even though she wasn't doing the same workout as me I was definitely going pretty hard because I didn't want her to catch me. It has been good for me to work out with other people every now and then. Dumbbell snatches weren't bad the first round but got tough the second and third round. These are so awkward. Handstand push ups were unbroken until the third round, then I had to go 10/5 because I could feel myself slowing way down. I thought my row pace was good, I was trying to keep it between 1100-1150 cals/hr. I was on the ground after this one. 

Glute-ham sit ups continue to be the worst. 


4 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg or light band pull-downs
:60 single unders
10:00 mobility work of choice



45:00 assault bike @Z2 by feel- take heart rate every 5:00

A1. Bear crawl, 5x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow and controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 5x10 altnerating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. 1 squat snatch + 1 hang squat snatch + 1 overhead squat, build quickly to a challenging set
For 18:00
1st: 1 squat clean + 1 hang squat clean + 1 front squat, moderate, crisp reps throughout
2nd: 8m sandbag walking lunges
3rd: 3 bar muscle ups
3 sets:
25 row @95%
3:35 rest


A1. complete
A2. complete
B. 145

I was't able to complete my AM session today because I had to cover the 7:00 class last minute so I didn't have enough time. Sorry about that!

Snatches felt pretty good today, I didn't have any misses until I got up to 145. I hit the snatch but missed the hang snatch, I overshot and it went behind me. Stephen said it was a good miss. I tried again and got it pretty easily. 

Squat cleans were kind of rough, I did this EMOM in my metcons because I didn't want to lunge in my lifters. It was definitely harder to stay back on my heels and all the front squats felt heavy. I was planning on going up to 185 for the last set of cleans but once I started I realized I probably wouldn't be getting that high. Bar muscle ups unbroken every set. 

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