Monday, July 27, 2015


Long, unplugged hike

errrr.....I did not complete this today, I'm sorry. Time got away from me.

I woke up later than usual and headed to the gym where I witnessed the Bike Incident of 2015. Then I had to run home and shower before I met up with Brandie, Heather and Emily at Nation to watch the CrossFit Games. It was a fun afternoon of hanging with my buds while eating good food. I was a little bummed to see Mayhem end up in first place, I was pulling for CrossFit Milford. I met a few of their athletes at the Pro Day/Combine and they're all really nice. I was also a little disappointed to see Mat Fraser end up in second place. However, I was very happy Katrin won! I have always really liked her. 

An afternoon of fit people watching fitter people do cool stuff


A. Front squat, 12x3 @55-60% 1RM, 10x1, begin a set every :60
10 rounds for time:
5 unbroken CTB pull ups
10:00 @80%
1 rope climb
5 wall balls, 20 to 10
5 burpees
8-10 sets:
200m run @90% aerobic
:60 walk rest

A. complete @140
8 sets complete

Front squats felt good today, although I should have worn my knee sleeves. 

10 rounds of CTB pull ups was right where I expected to be. When I did 20 sets for time it took me 9:00, so 4:30 is pretty consistent. Thankfully I did not rip! 

10:00 piece was actually pretty enjoyable, rope climbs felt great today. 

Running was actually the most difficult part of the day, for some reason I was just not doing well on this today. I felt really heavy and slow. Merrrrr.

Tonight I went to Washington Park with my friends/old college roommates (we all ended up in Cincinnati after we graduated) to listen to some live music. The band was just okay, it was a jazz quartet. The piano player was probably the best out of everyone, the horn player was definitely not very good. His solos were way too long and very uninteresting. If you don't have anything interesting to say during a solo, keep it short or don't say anything at all. It was fun though, the weather was perfect. We also walked to Graeters and got some ice cream. It was a fun night with my pals. 

My college roommates! We had some crazy times together. And by "crazy times" I mean we never went out because we were always studying for a music exam. We were nerds. 


45:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for 8 burpees

A. Power snatch- build to a heavy single-doesn't have to be a true max but if it's there go for it
B1. 1 halting snatch grip deadlift (pause just below knees on way up and down) + 1 snatch pull, 5x1 starting @100% snatch max a building, :60 rest
B2. DB Bench press, 3x4-5, 20x1; 2:00 rest
8 sets:
10 KB swings, 53
30 double unders
:60 walk rest

Only 25:00 complete, ran out of time before class

A. 155 (PR+5) (160 Fx2)
B1. 165-175-185-190-195
B2. 45-50(4)-50(4)

I was only able to complete half of my Z1, usually I do this between classes but I had a new person come in to talk so I was only able to do 25:00. 

I was really happy with my power snatch PR, it was easy too. I worked up to 145 pretty quickly so I just went for 155. I failed it the first time because it was way out in front. I rested about :30 and hit it very easily. I went for 160 and ALMOST HAD IT. I caught it but I wasn't aggressive enough in the turnover and my arms basically gave out. I tried a second time but it was just a pull at that point. Next time. 

Snatch-grip deadlifts were fine, although I can't imagine actually snatching 195. That seems insane to me. 

DB bench was fine the first two sets but the third set was a struggle.

Eight sets of KB/DU was awesome, I really enjoyed this. The rounds were quick and it was nice to have a break from the deficit HSPU, my shoulder appreciated it. 

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