Tuesday, April 2, 2013


A. Power snatch; build to a 5rm TnG
10 min amrap:
10 thrusters (100#)
10 CTB chin ups
10 burpee box jumps (24")

A. 95
2 rounds + thrusters & pull ups

Definitely could have gone heavier on the snatches, I think I could have done 100 or even 105. I really liked the 10 minute amrap, the thrusters felt really good, it was the burpee box jumps that were really tiring. On the plus side, I finally got the hang of butterfly CTB pull ups, so I'm really happy about that. I was able to string 7 together in the first round then broke them up into smaller sets after that. This was a really good day, I would love to see heavy thrusters come up this week in the open.

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