GRID PRACTICE IS THE BEST! I wish every Saturday was like this, it's so much fun. We had a great group today (Brandie, Megan, Eric, Teej and Mark) and the races were awesome too.
Race 1, 4:00, MF, trading off every movement:
Deadlift, 225/275/315/365 135/185/205/245
Weighted pistol, 25/35/45/55 10/20/30/40
I'm so glad in Grid you're allowed to do pistols on just one leg, because my pistols are on point on my right leg. They're getting really fast. This was actually my first time doing weighted pistols, they actually weren't bad at all. I did the second and third part of this race, so I ended with the 205 deadlift and 30# pistol. I really like this one!
Race 2, 5:00. MMMFFF, bar cannot touch the ground, advance after every 8 reps:
28 hang cleans, 245/145
This was awesome, hang cleans are my jam. The weight never felt heavy, Megan and I just traded off between 4/3 reps each.
Race 3&4, 4:00 w/:60 between, FF, 1 working @ a time:
20 1-arm overhead squat, 45
20 handstand push ups
10 muscle ups
20 power snatches, 95
This race is my least favorite, only having a minute between races is a killer. I did enjoy this one a lot more than the one last week. Megan started with the 1-arm overhead squats and did all of them. I did 15 handstand push ups, Brandie did 5 and I started on the muscle ups. I was only able to get 3 before I could feel them slowing down so Brandie took over and did 5. Then Megan did 3 (we did 1 too many) and I started on the power snatches, except I had no idea where the bar was placed so I was basically running around the gym until Stephen pointed me in the right direction. Megan and I traded 6/4 and then 5/5. Our transitions the first time were pretty sloppy, we were never really sure who was on what rep. The second time was much better, transitions were crisp and we were :20 faster.
Race 5&6, 4:00 w/:60 between, MM, 1 working @ a time:
20 1-arm overhead squat, 70
20 handstand push ups
10 muscle ups
20 power snatches, 145
Race 7, 5:00, all go, 1 @ a time, start anywhere, can skip bars:
Thruster ladder, 85-105-125-145-165-185-205-225-245-265
I LOVE LADDERS. This one was sweet, I actually sort of wish it was going to be a thruster ladder instead of a deadlift ladder at the combine. I went first, everything felt really good up to 145. Stephen told me to take a few seconds before attempting 165, I wasn't sure how it would go since I'm not used to lifting with a men's bar. I ended up hitting it, the clean was easy but the press out was a bit of a struggle. I was happy with it though, considering 165 is my current 1RM thruster.
Race 8, 6:00, MF, 1 working @ a time:
45 CTB pull ups
30 bar muscle ups
15 ring muscle ups
I really enjoyed this race. I believe Eric started with 15 CTB pull ups, I did 10, then Mark finished. My CTB pull ups felt like shit today, my hands were really raw and I couldn't get a good grip on the bar, I was hoping to do 15 reps instead of 10 but that wasn't going to happen today. Brandie started the bar MUs, Teej went after her, then me, then Eric. Mark started on the ring muscle ups and I think he did 10 reps, Megan went in but came back out so Mark did 2 more reps then I finished with 3.
Race 9, 5:00, FF, 2 on the floor working @ once, cannot advance until all reps @all 2 stations are completed:
7 DB burpee clean thrusters, 30/hand
15 box jump overs, 24
60 double unders
3 rope climbs
10 cleans, 115
Eeeeeesh, the DB burpee clean thrusters sucked, I slowed way down around the 4th rep. I probably should have tagged in Brandie but I just stuck with it. My box jump overs were also too slow, Megan was going twice as fast as me so when she was done she finished my reps. She tagged in Brandie and we did the double unders, then I tagged in Megan and she did the rope climbs with Brandie. Megan and I did the cleans and they were very easy, I did all 10 touch and go.
Race 10, 5:00, MM, 2 on the floor working @ once, cannot advance until all reps @ all 2 stations are completed:
7 DB burpee clean thrusters, 50/hand
15 box jump overs, 30
60 double unders
3 rope climbs
10 cleans, 185
Race 11, 6:00, MMMFFF, relay:
10 DB snatches, 60
3 back roll to support
80' handstand walk
10 burpee w/touch to 10'
15 toes to bar
2 power cleans, 275
The relay is one of my favorite races. Megan did the DB snatches, Eric did the back roll to support, Brandie did the handstand walk, Mark did the burpees, I did the toes to bar and Teej did the cleans. My toes to bar felt really good and were pretty fast. Everyone did really well on this.
This was a great practice. My confidence was much higher than last week and I feel more ready for the combine. I'm really happy that Mark, Megan, Brandie and Teej volunteered their time to help Eric and I prepare for the combine. They are the best.