Saturday, November 2, 2013


A. Snatch pull clusters, 3 x 1.1.1 @ 105% snatch max
B. Hang power snatch, build to a max
6 sets for times:
2 squat clean & jerks, 75% 1RM
15 wall balls
450m row @ 2:05/500m
3:00 rest

A. complete @150
B. 130 (PR+15) (135 Fx2)
1. 4:00 (2:02 row)
2. 3:57 (2:03.2)
3. 4:10 (2:02.3)
4. 4:10 (2:02.2)
5. 4:16 (2:03.5)
6. 4:30 (2:03.4)
clean and jerks @145

Really happy with the hang power snatch PR, I was not expecting that. I wish I would have gotten 135, I came pretty close the first time but the second attempt was not even close. Oh well, I think I could get it next time. The clean and jerk/row workout was pretty terrible, it was a lot harder than I thought it would be. The clean and jerks got pretty heavy after the 4th round and that's where I took the most rest. Wall balls were unbroken the first round, then 10/5 until the 5th round then it was 5/5/5 for the last two sets. All the rows actually felt really good and pretty steady, I'm happy with that and I was able to keep it under 2:05 each time. I'm noticing that I'm recovering much faster. Between each round I was able to recover enough to the point where I felt decent enough to start the next round, and after my 6th set it only took me a couple minutes to recover before I was feeling good again. Definitely pleased with this. 

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