Friday, April 26, 2013


A. Squat snatch triple gauntlet - beginning at 70# perform 3 TnG reps on the min adding 5# per minute until failure
3 rounds for time:
10 hang power clean 135#
10 parallete hspu
10 box jumps 30"

A. 100#. Got 2 reps at 105 but they were not TNG so I called it haha
complete. Did not do this for time since we were all sharing the paralletes 

The squat snatch gauntlet was tougher than I thought it would be. I got higher than I originally expected which is good, but it was very tiring changing out the weights and by the end I was very fatigued. I could tell my form was getting shittier and shittier as the weights got higher and higher, I am just not great at squat snatching but I think I'm getting better at pulling myself into the squat. I still need to spend more time on it though. The second half was awesome, I really liked every movement involved. I was able to do the hang power cleans in sets of 5 each time (except for the 2nd round, did 5, 4, and 1, sorry Josh) but they felt light and easy. My parallete HSPU are getting a lot better, today was a deeper depth than I usually do so that's good. Box jumps were high but felt good. Overall another good day. 

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