Wednesday, June 24, 2015


10 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne @50%
3 rounds:
:10/side 1-arm passive hang from bar
20m/side 1-arm DB overhead carry, tough
10 sets:
:30 airdyne @90% aerobic
:30 airdyne@50%

A. Power clean, build quickly to a max for the day
B. Power clean, 3x1 @90% of A, rest as needed
C. Behind-the-neck shoulder press, 3x6-8, 31x1; 2:00 rest
10:00 @90-95% effort-should still be very tough, just not 300FY:
airdyne calories

DB carry 40-50-50

A. 210
B. complete@190
C. 65-70(6)-70(6)
142 calories

The passive 1-arm hang from the bar was tougher than I thought it would be, especially on the left side. My left hand is still a little ripped from last week so it hurt to hang from the bar. The DB carry was harder on the left side than the right. 

PM session was solid all around. I was really happy with where I ended up on the power clean, especially since I just hit a PR of 212 last week. It's nice to know I can power clean 205 easily now and hit 210 as well. The reps at 190 were easy, I don't think I rested longer than a minute between reps. 

Behind the neck shoulder press was tough but getting better I guess? It felt harder to control than last week. 

I had totally forgotten about the 10:00 airdyne piece until I was writing my programming in my notebook. I wasn't really worried about it, since it wasn't actually 300FY I felt like the pressure was off. I had a good pace from the beginning and tried to keep it steady the whole time, I definitely wasn't going at a 300FY pace but it was 95% for sure. My breathing was actually pretty good during this, it was my legs that fatigued first. I ended up getting 10 calories less than my 300FY PR, so I was happy about that. I wasn't fucked up at all afterwards, I was recovered within 2-3 minutes so I know if I did 300FY again and really went for it I could probably PR. 

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