Thursday, April 30, 2015


8 sets:
500m row @90% aerobic
4 alternating weighted pistols, start very light and add a little each set if possible
2:30 walk rest

A. 1 power snatch + 3 overhead squats, build quickly to a tough set
For time:
400m run
15 axle shoulder to overhead, 90
150 double unders
9 muscle ups
40m handstand walk
3 sets:
:30 airdyne @97%
4:30 rest

2:01.5 (8#)
2:02.3 (10#)
2:01.9 (15#)
2:01.7 (20#)
2:02.0 (25#)
2:01.9 (35#)
2:01.9 (35#)
2:01.5 (40#)

A. 135

AM session was tough, the rows started getting painful around the 5th set. Weighted pistols felt pretty good, although it was definitely a challenge to go right from the row to a heavy pistol since my legs were getting fatigued. I'm very pleased with how much my pistols have improved though. 

The 135 power snatch was very easy, it was the overhead squats that were the limiter. I think if I kept snatching I would have been able to hit 145 for sure but the OHS were getting shaky so I called it. 

The running/STO piece was way too slow. Dammit. I'm still pouting about it. I paced the run too slow. Then the shoulder to overhead should have just been touch and go but for some reason I was resting a second before I would do the next rep. I should have cycled them much faster. I broke up the double unders 60/40/30/20. My shoulders were pretty tired by the time I got to the muscle ups. I broke them up 4/3/2 with too much rest between sets. Then I rested way too long before starting the handstand walk. Stephen had me do the handstand walk around the rig, that was pretty cool and a good way to measure it. Everything was just too slow. I think since I was working out with Pat I was just trying to stay ahead of him instead of taking it at a regionals pace like I should have. This is the problem for me mentally when I work out with other people, when they drop the bar or take a break I usually do the same because I'm like "well they're stopping so I'll stop for a second." I just wasn't pushing hard enough on this. Mehhhhhh.


A. Squat clean and jerk gauntlet, 1 rep every :60 starting @125 and adding 10 every :60
For 10:00
Evens- 1 legless rope climb to 12'
Odds- 10 wall balls, 14 to 10
For 10:00
Evens- 3-5 strict handstand push ups
Odds- 3 power clean to overhead, start @105 and add a bit from there
For 10:00
Evens- 3 toes to bar + 2 CTB pull ups + 1 bar muscle up
Odds- 50 double unders

A. 195 (cleaned 205, failed the jerk)
5 HSPUs each set
PCTO- 105-115-125-135-145


I felt great today and everything was really enjoyable!

The clean gauntlet went well, although I wasn't punching under my jerks at all. Every set I would think "okay I'm going to drop under the jerk this time" and then I just wouldn't for some reason. I was extremely surprised I cleaned 205 and it felt EASY. I was shocked at how easy it was to stand up. The jerk was a different story, it barely even came off my shoulders. Merrrrr. I waited a minute then tried again but the clean was basically just a pull the second time. Oh well. I was happy about the 205 clean but I wish the jerks would have been better. 

Legless rope climbs were fast and easy today, I really enjoy those. I wasn't sure where 12 feet was so I basically just went to the top without reaching up and touching the beam. Wall balls were easy as well. 

My strict handstand push ups have gotten so much better, I was able to do 5 each set. I was talking to Stephen about it afterwards and he said if I've lost weight (which I have since the Open ended) then it's not surprising my strict HSPU have improved. Neat! 

TTB/CTB/Bar MU complex was fine as per usual. I kept tripping up on the double unders though, that was annoying. I think I tripped in the first and second set. 

Overall a great day! 


30:00 airdyne @Z1 

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