A. Front squat clusters, 3 x 3.3.3; :30 between triples, 3:00 rest
B. Muscle-up practice, 10 x 2 (go for the second unbroken rep every set); begin a set every :60
3 sets for times:
18 thrusters, 70
18 pull-ups
2:00 rest
A. complete @165
B. complete, was not able to string any together. The last few attempts were close-ish
1:46, 2:12, 2:30
Everything felt tough today. I think it was from the heat, or maybe still being sore from Sunday but everything was hard. I think I went too heavy on the front squats, the first two reps of each set were good but then I would struggle with the third rep. I probably should have gone with 155 or 160, oh well. The muscle ups actually felt pretty good, I was able to get all of them. I was supposed to try and get two in a row each time but it wasn't happening. I'm dropping straight down instead of pushing back so I'm not able to get in the right position to get a second one. The last couple tries were closer than the first 5 so that's good I guess, just making slow progress. The thruster/pull up workout SUCKED so much. The thrusters felt extremely heavy and I had to break them up 14/4 the second round and 11/5/2 the third round. WHAT. It should not have been that bad because it was only 70# but they seemed so heavy. The pull ups were bad too, I was having trouble catching my breath (more trouble than usual anyways) and I broke up the pull ups more than I would have liked. They were mostly all butterfly which was good but I was still breaking them up too much. I just couldn't breathe, I think it was the heat, I had no energy at all. It sucked. Blehhh.