Sunday, February 14, 2016


30:00 bike @Z1



6-8 sets easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 bike
2 dead hang to inverted
2x[:10 double unders + :20 single unders]

A. 1 squat snatch + 1 overhead squat 1-1-1-1-1 moderate, begin a set every 2:00
B. Snatch-grip deadlift, build to a heavy single, 31x1, rest as needed
12:00 @90%
12 hand-release push ups
15 KB swings, 35
18 row calories
3 sets:
8-10/side moderate DB external rotation, 30x0
rest as needed
10:00 assault bike @Z1

subbed 30:00 assault bike @Z1 + 10:00 mobility 

A. 115-125-135-145-155
B. 225

Decided to just sit on the airdyne for 30 min this morning, wasn't feeling it today. 

Snatches weren't great today. They were crisp through 135 and then I failed my first attempt at 145 which was annoying. I hit it easily on the second try but then failed my first attempt at 155. I tried again and got it on the second attempt. This was frustrating. I wasn't confident in my set up, I think after the open is over I'm going to go to Columbus and work with Chelsea Kyle. 

Snatch-grip deadlifts were super heavy today, 225 was tough. 

The 12:00 piece went really well, breathing was excellent and transitions were fast. 

I skipped the DB external rotation today, these really aggravated my right shoulder last week. Heather said I should still do them but just do them at a lighter weight since all the scap stuff is super important. She is right, as usual. I'll just go lighter this week. 


5 sets:
3:00 bike @high aerobic effort
:60 rest
3:00 Balza/Drew rehab pieces of choice
:60 rest

A. Back squat, take your time and build to a heavy single for the day- only go for a PR if you KNOW you have it
4 sets even:
12 CTB pull ups
24 wall balls, 14 to 10'
2:30 walk rest
3 rounds easy:
3-5 muscle ups
15 assault bike calories

DNS- snow day

A. 285 (PR+5)
3 muscle ups each round 

No AM session today, woke up to a lot of snow and wasn't able to make it to the gym to coach classes. Winter is just the living WORST. 

Luckily the roads were all clear by the time I went in to do my PM session. I was SO HAPPY to finally hit a back squat PR! I knew I was going to get it today. I basically made 20 pound jumps starting from 205. 265 was really easy so I just went for 285. I had a little moment of panic when I first took it out of the rack, I was stepping back and the weight shifted me forward so I rocked forward on my toes. I was able to steady myself but it definitely took me out if mentally for a second. 285 was slow but I got it (video). When I watched the video it looked a lot faster on the way up than it actually felt. Isn't that always the way. I think I could definitely hit 290 if I made the correct jumps. 

Sets for even times went pretty well....for the first two sets. I crushed it on the first and second set, all my pull ups and wall balls were unbroken. Things sort of fell apart in the third set, my pull ups were unbroken but wall balls were 18/6. Everything went way downhill on the fourth set, pull ups were broken up 7/5/3 and wall balls were 15/9 with way too much rest. I basically just mentally gave up. On the plus side, CTB pull ups felt really easy today. 

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