Wednesday, May 8, 2013


A. Power clean; 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 3 min
5 TnG deadlift (205#)
Airdyne 90 seconds @85%
rest 2 min
5 TnG power clean (135#)
Run 400m @85%
rest 2 min

A. 165-170-175-185(PR)-190(Fail x 3)

Good day today. I was a little worried when I first started the cleans because my technique just felt off. I felt like I was "gripping and ripping" instead of getting tight and executing the clean correctly. Definitely landed pretty wide on the 175# clean, I was going to go to 180 but Angel convinced me to go up to 185# and I'm glad I did because I got it! PR! I went for 190 three times but failed. On the third attempt I tried to catch it in a squat but caught it weird and tweaked my wrist a little bit. The second half of the workout was good, deadlifts were easy and fast, and 90 seconds on the airdyne feels like FOREVER. The clean/run workout felt fine, although it started raining right as I started running on my first round. Oh well. Definitely looking forward to a rest day tomorrow!

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