Tuesday, April 29, 2014


40:00 AirDyne @ Z1

A. 1 hang snatch pull + 1 high-hang squat snatch, build to a max
B. Back squat, 5-5-5, 31X1; 3:00 rest
C1. Close-grip bench, 8-8-8-8, 20X1; :60 rest
C2. Pendlay rows, 4 x 5-7, 11X1 - be perfect on tempo, :01 hold w/bar touching abdomen; :60 rest
D. Strict toes-to-bar, 3 x 10-15 unbroken; rest as needed


A. 130 (135 F)
B. 175-195-215
C1. 85-95-100
C2. 85-95-100
D. complete, sets of 10

I'm happy with the hang snatch, I didn't think I would get past 125. I think I should have started heavier, I started with 85 and went up by 10s until 120 then went up by 5s  and by the time I got to 135 my arms were getting tired. I think I can get 135 if I start heavier, that way my arms won't be as fatigued. The back squats were tough today, it has been a long time since I have done tempo squats. The bench press felt good, probably could have done 105 on the last set. The pendlay rows were ehhhh awkward, I haven't done those in a really long time. The strict toes to bar were laughable at first, I have only done those once before and I wasn't really sure what to do. After the first set I started to get the hang of it, they were tough. I felt like I wasn't focused today, I was getting distracted easily and not putting in as much mental focus to my work as I should have. I think part of it has to do with lack on enthusiasm about certain things like pendlay row or bench press. I see bench press and I'm like "meh" and I don't put in as much excitement as I would for a snatch or clean because benching isn't one of my favorite things. This year I really need to work on changing that mentality. I need to look at something like bench press and realize that it will help me in the long run instead of associating it with being boring. I have to realize that everything translates into something else and it will all help me become a better athlete in the long run. 

EDIT: Just realized I only did 3 sets of the bench/pendlay row. Eff. Stephen if you're reading this, I am sorry and I await my sentencing 

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