long, unplugged hike
60:00 complete @ault park
Sunday, July 19, 2015
A. Front squat, 10x3@55%-60% of 1RM, 10x1; begin a set every :60
B. CTB pull ups, 10x6 unbroken, begin a set every :60
AMRAP in 10:00
1 rope climb
10 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10
10 burpees
2 rope climbs
10 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10
10 burpees
3 rope climbs
and so on
4-6 sets:
300m run @90% aerobic
:75 walk rest
A. complete @140
B. complete through 8 sets, then had to break 4/2 for the last two sets
3 rope climbs into set of 4
6 sets complete
Mehhhhh today was not the best. I had to get into the gym three hours earlier than normal on a Saturday due to a trainer meeting at the other gym. I'm not a huge fan of training early in the morning.
Front squats were excellent as usual.
I'm going to have to start taping up my hands during the sets of CTB pull ups, this is the third week in a row I've had to break early because of fear of tearing. These are getting a lot faster and more efficient, I'm just getting annoyed because I keep having to drop off the bar early during the last couple of sets because I can feel my skin pulling, pre-tear style. I'll tape up my hands next week and it should be all good.
My performance on the AMRAP was pretty pathetic, I think I basically forgot how to use my legs on the rope climbs. I was also taking way too much rest between climbs. I tried keeping my transitions short between rope, wall ball and burpees but there was just a lot of standing around at the rope. Also, the 20 pound ball was heavy today. Definitely not my best.
Runs actually felt pretty good. I did all six sets because I need the practice, amiright?
B. CTB pull ups, 10x6 unbroken, begin a set every :60
AMRAP in 10:00
1 rope climb
10 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10
10 burpees
2 rope climbs
10 unbroken wall balls, 20 to 10
10 burpees
3 rope climbs
and so on
4-6 sets:
300m run @90% aerobic
:75 walk rest
A. complete @140
B. complete through 8 sets, then had to break 4/2 for the last two sets
3 rope climbs into set of 4
6 sets complete
Mehhhhh today was not the best. I had to get into the gym three hours earlier than normal on a Saturday due to a trainer meeting at the other gym. I'm not a huge fan of training early in the morning.
Front squats were excellent as usual.
I'm going to have to start taping up my hands during the sets of CTB pull ups, this is the third week in a row I've had to break early because of fear of tearing. These are getting a lot faster and more efficient, I'm just getting annoyed because I keep having to drop off the bar early during the last couple of sets because I can feel my skin pulling, pre-tear style. I'll tape up my hands next week and it should be all good.
My performance on the AMRAP was pretty pathetic, I think I basically forgot how to use my legs on the rope climbs. I was also taking way too much rest between climbs. I tried keeping my transitions short between rope, wall ball and burpees but there was just a lot of standing around at the rope. Also, the 20 pound ball was heavy today. Definitely not my best.
Runs actually felt pretty good. I did all six sets because I need the practice, amiright?
45:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for 7 burpees w/2-hand touch to target 6" above standing reach
A. Power snatch clusters, 5x1.1-start @125 & try to add 5/set; :15 between singles, 2:00 rest
B1. Halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below knees on way up and down) 1-1-1-1 starting @105% snatch max and building; :60 rest
B2. DB bench press, 3x5-6, 20x1; 2:00 rest
6 sets for even times:
2 strict handstand push up singles, same deficit as last week
4 kipping handstand push ups
12 KB swings, 53
36 double unders
2:00 walk rest
A. 125-130-135-140-145
B1. 175-185-195-205
B2. 35-45-50(4)
Power snatches went pretty well today, these are feeling more crisp every week. Everything was solid up until 145. I caught the first rep really weird, my arms were bent and wobbly and I wasn't aggressive on the turnover at all. I failed the second rep, the bar flew up but it was way out in front. I tried again and made the lift but the bar was still out in front, I took a few steps forward to save it.
Snatch grip deadliftt was fine.
DB bench press was easy on the first two sets but I was only able to get 4 reps at 50. It was feeling good until it wasn't, I paused in the bottom and all the momentum was gone, I just couldn't push them up at all.
The 6 sets for even times just went so terribly. Deficit handstand push ups started off strong but then my shoulders completely went to shit by the 5th set. I felt like I couldn't even use my arms anymore, I was having trouble just lowering myself into the deficit for the kipping handstand push ups. It felt terrible. I don't think I warmed up my shoulders enough for this. I failed my second strict handstand push up on the 5th and 6th set. This was extremely frustrating. I think I'm going to have to go see Balza soon, I was feeling discomfort in my left shoulder during the HSPU. I thought it went away after regionals but it's starting to flare up again.
45:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for 7 burpees w/2-hand touch to target 6" above standing reach
A. Power snatch clusters, 5x1.1-start @125 & try to add 5/set; :15 between singles, 2:00 rest
B1. Halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below knees on way up and down) 1-1-1-1 starting @105% snatch max and building; :60 rest
B2. DB bench press, 3x5-6, 20x1; 2:00 rest
6 sets for even times:
2 strict handstand push up singles, same deficit as last week
4 kipping handstand push ups
12 KB swings, 53
36 double unders
2:00 walk rest
A. 125-130-135-140-145
B1. 175-185-195-205
B2. 35-45-50(4)
Power snatches went pretty well today, these are feeling more crisp every week. Everything was solid up until 145. I caught the first rep really weird, my arms were bent and wobbly and I wasn't aggressive on the turnover at all. I failed the second rep, the bar flew up but it was way out in front. I tried again and made the lift but the bar was still out in front, I took a few steps forward to save it.
Snatch grip deadliftt was fine.
DB bench press was easy on the first two sets but I was only able to get 4 reps at 50. It was feeling good until it wasn't, I paused in the bottom and all the momentum was gone, I just couldn't push them up at all.
The 6 sets for even times just went so terribly. Deficit handstand push ups started off strong but then my shoulders completely went to shit by the 5th set. I felt like I couldn't even use my arms anymore, I was having trouble just lowering myself into the deficit for the kipping handstand push ups. It felt terrible. I don't think I warmed up my shoulders enough for this. I failed my second strict handstand push up on the 5th and 6th set. This was extremely frustrating. I think I'm going to have to go see Balza soon, I was feeling discomfort in my left shoulder during the HSPU. I thought it went away after regionals but it's starting to flare up again.
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