Saturday, February 14, 2015


5 rounds @easy pace:
30 airdyne calories
2:00 mobility of choice-different piece every set
10 CTB pull ups

A. 1 halting clean-grip deadlift + 2 clean pulls + 1 power clean, 5x1 building, :05 between movements; 2:00 rest
For times:
1000m row @85%
2:00 rest
3 rounds of (5 clean-grip deadlifts @205 + 5 burpee muscle ups)
2:00 rest
1000m row @85%
6 sets:
:60 airdyne @90% aerobic
:60 airdyne @ 50%


A. 125-145-165-175-180

Today started out pretty well and then went sort of downhill. I really enjoyed the lifting portion, that was a cool complex. Weight was feeling very light today, clean pulls at 180 felt the same as the pulls at 125. When I went to power clean 180 I actually pulled it a lot higher than I expected and I dropped under the bar before it even hit my shoulders, so it kind of came crashing down on me. Stephen said I looked like I wasn't expecting to pull it that high and I kind of surprised myself. My legs were still extremely sore from the wall ball/ double under workout from yesterday and they were dragging on the power cleans. I felt like I wasn't driving my feet into the ground very aggressively, my legs seemed to be on a two second delay from the rest of my body. Even so, lifting still felt great today. 

The first row was kind of a mess, I was pulling so slow but for some reason I couldn't make myself go any faster. The second row was better, I was able to find a good rhythm. Again, legs were feeling sore from yesterday. 

The deadlift/muscle up workout was pretty bad. I thought I was going to just smash this and that was not the case. Deadlifts were not the problem, they were easy and all unbroken. It was the muscle ups. My hands were in a lot of pain during this, as soon as I jumped up to the rings to do the first muscle up I knew I was in trouble. I'm not sure why my hands hurt so much today but it was very uncomfortable to grab the rings. This was the worst my muscle ups have been in a long time, they felt like shit. I'm not used to jumping to the rings from the ground so my kip was extremely off. Also, I could only go so fast on the muscle ups because I had to steady the rings each time I came off. I was just going SO slow between each rep and they were sloppy. These were just really off today and I was pretty bummed after this was over. I was pretty disappointed with my performance on this. Not my best weekend of training. 


A. 1 squat snatch + 3 overhead squats, 5x1 light/moderate without moving feet, begin a set every :90
B. Back squat, 3x3-4, 22x1; 3:00 rest
AMRAP in 8:00
30 double unders
15 wall balls, 14 to 9
15:00 airdyne @Z1

A. 95-105-115-125-135
B. 175-195-205
accidentally did this in opposite order. errrr oops. 7 rounds + 15 WB

Snatches felt good today, all of them were really easy. Overhead squats were a bit shaky, especially at 135. Not being allowed to move my feet between the snatch and overhead squats has really made me realize how wide my feet land during my snatches. I definitely need to try and fix this, I'll have to work on it when Chelsea Kyle comes to CSC in a few weeks. 

Back squats were a bit better than last week, 195 was easier this time and I only struggled on the last rep of 205. 

The 8:00 AMRAP........oh boy. You know that thing when you glance at your programming and you think you know what the workout is and then you do the workout and then you find out you did it in the wrong order? Arggggg. I was supposed to do double unders first but I thought it was wall balls then double unders. DAMMIT. Stephen said it really didn't matter but I was still frustrated with myself for messing it up. Putting that mistake aside, I was still pleased with my performance on this. There were a few things I was annoyed with, like the fact that I dropped the wall ball with 30 seconds left. THIRTY SECONDS. There was no reason for that. If this was the open, I would never do that. I don't know why I did it. My transitions were pretty good overall, although at round 5 I started taking too much rest before I started the wall ball. I was breathing hard but I can tell I've improved a lot in that area because I never really stopped to bend over and rest in the middle of a set like I used to. I just don't enjoy it when there's only two movements in a workout, I would much rather do a chipper. Also, this was more muscle fatigue than anything. My shoulders were toasted, the last round of wall balls hurt so much. My quads were also extremely sore after this. Happy with my performance but I definitely could have done better. 


30:00-60:00 swim or around the world of choice, pick 4-6 easy pieces to cycle through every :60

around the world complete 

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