Sunday, August 18, 2013


9:00 @ 85% of [1 rope climb + 3 wall walks + 15 AirDyne cals]
3:00 rest
9:00 @ 85% of [5 CTBs + 10 push-ups + 200m row]
3:00 rest
9:00 @ 85% of [25m Farmer's walk + 25m bear crawl w/low hips + 200m run]



A. Squat snatch, build to a heavy single for the day (only go for a true max if you're moving well and you know it's there)
B. Clean & jerks, 6 x 2 @ 150; begin a set every 2:00
4 sets of:
2:00 of [35 wall balls + AMRAP double-unders]
2:00 AirDyne spin
4:00 rest

rest 4 hours

800 meter sled drag, same weight as last week

A. 135
B. complete
complete. Wall balls were done in 35, 35, 30/5, 15/10/10. Double unders were 40, 45, 35, 0

rest 4 hours

complete with 105 on the sled

I am getting SO CLOSE to snatching 140. Today I worked up to 135 pretty easily, I didn't have any failed attempts and everything felt really good. I tried for 140 and the second time I tried, I literally had it over my head but I just couldn't hold on to it. Then I went for it about 3 more times but none of them were very close. I was very frustrated, I thought I had 140 and then I didn't, I was pretty mad. I know I will get it soon though. I am so happy with how quickly my snatch has improved over the last two months. The clean and jerks hurt a lot and felt heavy, I think because I snatched for at least an hour so my arms and shoulders were fried. The wall ball/airdyne was actually not as bad as last week, I was able to do the first rounds unbroken but had to break up the next 2 rounds, I just could not hang on to the ball anymore. I wasn't able to get any double unders in the last round because I broke up the wall balls so much so the 2:00 was already over by the time I got to my rope. The sled drag went WAY better than last week, for a number of reasons. I definitely felt like I had more energy since I had 4 hours before I did the sled drag, and Heather also did it with me so it was nice to have someone to push me, otherwise I would have stopped a lot more. Definitely a great day of training. 

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