Wednesday, September 24, 2014


A. Squat snatch, build to a heavy single - go for it if there
B1. Back squat, 3-2-1 tough; :30 rest
B2. Legless rope climbs, 3 x 1; 2:00 rest
C1. Ring push-ups, 3 x AMRAP in :60; :30 rest
C2. DB power row, 3 x 3-4/arm, 20X0; :10 between arms, :30 rest
C3. Yoke carry, 3 x 10-15m moderate/tough; :60 rest
3 sets:
:60 AirDyne @ 97%
6:00 rest

A. 155 (165 Fx4)
B1. 215-225-245
B2. complete
C1. 25-25-23
C2. 60-65-70
C3. complete with 140# on yoke

Today was very frustrating. I was hoping to get a snatch PR since my snatches have been going so well lately. I worked up to 155 pretty quickly then went for 165. I failed the first one because the bar was too out in front. I went for it a second time and thought I had it! I was in the bottom and all I had to do was stand it up but then for some reason I tipped backward and fell on my butt. I don't know if I surprised myself by catching it or what happened but I was pretty mad, I should have been able to stand that up. I went for it two more times and both attempts were out in front. UGHH. I don't understand. I think a lot of it was mental, Stephen said I was worrying about it because I've never snatched that weight before but it's good to know I can at least get under it. Now I just have to stand it up. Merrrr. So frustrating. I don't think I have been that angry about lifting in a long time. It was hard not to stew about it for the rest of my training session.

This is me UNDERNEATH 165

This is me after failing for no reason

This is me pouting
After that, mentally it was hard to stay focused on the rest of my training. I should have gone heavier on the back squats, my SI joint has been bothering me again, not nearly as bad as the last time but it's becoming noticeable so I'm going to have to see Pete again soon. I definitely could have done 255 for the last rep though. Legless rope climbs felt hard today. I was pleased with my ring push ups, I got more than last week. The yoke carry was cool too since I hardly ever do that. The airdyne sprints sucked as per usual. Overall not the best day. 

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