Saturday, February 23, 2013


A. Power clean and push jerk; build to a max
B. PC + PJ; 30 reps for time (95#)
15 min amrap:
15 ohs (65#)
15 CTB chin ups
30 double unders
30 hand release push ups

A. 155
B. 3:30
30 push ups short of 3 rounds

Training did not feel good today. The clean were feeling extremely heavy, 155 is usually not hard for me to clean but today it didn't feel good. Since I am used to the technique of the split jerk, doing a power clean and push jerk was a little awkward but I'm pleased where I ended up. The 30 clean and push jerks for time felt alright but I was really winded right away. Definitely something to work on. The 15 min amrap wasn't that great, I remember just standing around a lot and resting. I need to work on minimizing my rest time and quicker transitions. Overall today wasn't the greatest training day, but that's how it goes. Some days are better than others. Tomorrow is an olympic lifting clinic so that should be pretty sweet. 

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