Monday, June 30, 2014


For time:
12 squat clean thrusters, 135
18 stone-over-shoulders, 95
24 burpee toes-to-bar
5:00 rest
For time:
50m handstand walk 
30 tire flips, the one that's inside
10 rope climbs
800m sled drag, add a little from last week, alternate forward & backward as desired but stay moving throughout

complete with 105 on sled

Mehhhhh. The first piece went pretty well, squat clean thrusters felt pretty good, I finished those in about 2:15. The stone to shoulder took me longer than it should have, I was probably resting just a bit too long between reps. The burpee TTB were steady the entire time. The second piece....errrrrr......sorry Stephen. The handstand walk and tire flip were actually done relatively quickly. But then I got to the rope and I just took a shit. I was basically doing one every minute. The second piece is always so much harder since I'm fatigued from the first part and the 5:00 rest goes very quickly. I need to get my shit together on rope climbs. I have gotten so much slower and I just stand there and look at the rope. The second part took me way too long. I should be able to knock out 10 rope climbs in at least 5:00. Ugh. The sled drag actually felt pretty good, this is getting easier and more tolerable for sure. 


60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
1 rope climb

A. Squat clean, build quickly to a max
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 24 x 1 @ 225; begin a set every :20
C1. Push press, 5 x 1-2; :10 rest
C2. CTB pull-ups, 5 x 11; 2:00 rest
D. Side planks, 3 x :30/side; :30 rest between sides


A. 185
B. complete
C1. 125-135-145-155-165(1)
C2. complete, unbroken except for last set which was 7/4

Very disappointed with the squat clean max. I sort of figured I wouldn't be able to get very high on this since I've been having that pain in my butt/lower back again. It's so frustrating. Once I get to a certain weight it hurts to drop underneath the bar. I worked up to 185 with minimal discomfort but as soon as I went for 195 I think I freaked out and couldn't bring myself to pull myself under the bar because I knew it would hurt. So I just stopped at 185. I am hoping that this pain goes away with more mobility but I might have to go see someone about it if it does not improve. I was happy with the push press, I think 165 might be a PR but I'm not sure. Butterfly CTB felt really good, those are getting easier. 


6 sets:
2 tough touch-and-go push jerks
5 muscle-ups
12 front rack walking, 120
300m run
3:00 rest
4 sets:
:30 prowler push @ max effort, load for high speed/fast foot turnover
4:00 rest

3:45, MUs 5 unbroken, 135# PJ
4:07, MUs 5 unbroken, 145#
4:37, MUs 5 unbroken, 155#
4:42, MUs 5 unbroken, 160#
5:12, MUs 5 unbroken, 165#
8:12, MUs 2/2/1, 165#
complete with 90# on prowler

My muscle ups are feeling so much easier lately, I was really happy that I was able to string 5 together for 5 out of 6 rounds. Now I just need to learn how to breathe during longer sets of MUs, I would come off the rings so winded every time. The running also killed me, as per usual. By the 6th round I was pretty dead, hence my poor time. I just felt like I had no energy left and couldn't catch my breath. Really happy with how my MUs are coming along though. 

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