10 min amrap:
24 double unders
12 pistols
6 muscle ups
For time:
50 calorie airdyne buy in
… then
Deadlift 185#
Burpee box jump 24" (regional standard on box)
4 muscle ups short of 3 rounds
The AM session was good, pistols were definitely the limiting factor. They are still too slow and I had to use assistance from my right leg on the left leg pistols. Muscle ups felt good, mostly in sets of 2 except for the 5th and 6th rep each time. PM session was tough but not too bad, the airdyne buy-in went pretty quick. I broke up the deadlifts in sets of 7 for the 21 and sets of 5 for the 15, then 4, 3, and 2 for the set of 9. The burpee box jumps were just tiring, this workout was definitely all lungs for me because the deadlift weight didn't feel that heavy. Another fun day at the gym!!