Sunday, July 12, 2015


long, unplugged hike



A. Front squats, 8x3 @55-60% @1RM, 10x1, begin a set every :60
B. Weighted supinated CTB pull up, build to a max
C. CTB pull ups, 5x10 unbroken; 2:00 rest
AMRAP in 10:00
1 rope climb
12 unbroken wall balls, 14 to 10
8 burpees
3-4 sets:
400m run @90% aerobic
2:00 walk rest

A. complete @140
B. 181 (146 BW + 35)
C. complete, last set 8/2 due to almost tearing
5 rounds + 1 rope climb

Another good day! 

Front squats were enjoyable as per usual. 140 was easy. 

I was happy with the weighted CTB, 35 was easy. I went up to 40 pounds and pulled myself high enough but my chest didn't make contact with the bar, so NO REP. Next time. 

Sets of 10 CTB were easy and fast. On the fifth set I had to come off the bar on the 8th rep because I could feel my hands getting ready to tear. 

I was really happy with my performance on the AMRAP, my breathing felt excellent throughout the entire workout. I tried to keep transitions fast and burpees were steady. I had about 40 seconds left at the end so I was able to run back to the rope and get in one more climb right at the buzzer. This was a nice boost of confidence since my Saturday AMRAPS haven't gone very well the past two weeks. 

400m repeats felt great. 


45:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for 5 burpees with 2-hand touch to target 6" above standing reach

A. Power snatch clusters, 5x1.1.1; :15 between singles, 2:00 rest
B1. Halting snatch-grip deadlift (pause just below knees on way up and down) 2-2-1-1 starting @100% and building so the singles are as heavy as possible while still maintaining solid positions, :60 rest
B2. DB bench press, 3x5-8, 20x1, 2:00 rest
5 sets for even times:
2 strict handstand push ups, 2-3" deficit
2 kipping handstand push ups, same deficit
45 double unders
15 row calories
2:30 walk rest


A. 105-115-125-130-135
B1. 165-175-185-195
B2. 25-35-45

Really solid day. Power snatches were really crisp today. I only had one bad rep at 130, I wasn't aggressive enough with the turnover and caught it a little funny. Other than that, everything was really easy. I'm glad 135 power snatches aren't too difficult these days, that's neat. 

Snatch grip deadlifts were fine, 195 was the only set that was tough. Thumbs hurt real good one this one. 

DB bench press was MUCH easier than last week. I know the tempo was easier but the weight wasn't nearly as tough, last week I could barely get 50 pounds for 3 and this week I was able to get 45 for 8.

5 rounds for even times went pretty well, although strict deficit HSPU were difficult today. I was able to do them unbroken for the first four sets and then had to break them up into singles for the last set, which is why the 5th round is :10 slower. Kipping HSPU were super easy. All double unders were unbroken. 

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