Tuesday, November 24, 2015


30:00 airdyne @Z1, off every 5:00 for :20-:30 tripod headstand hold

A. Bear crawl, 5x10' forward +10' backward, very slow and deliberate w/10 pound bumper plate on hips, :60 rest
B. Hang power clean, build quickly to a heavy single
C. Split jerk clusters, 4x1.1.1 starting moderate and adding if things are feeling solid, :10 between singles, 2:30 rest
5 rounds for time:
49 double unders
7 deadlifts, 175
3 rounds not for time:
8-10 moderate bent-over DB reverse flies
12 moderate reverse hypers


A. complete
B. 200
C. 125-135-145-155
8# for DB flies
65#/side for RH

Doing the bear crawl with the weight on my back was tougher than I thought it would be but it definitely forced me to keep my back flat and my hips low. 

Hang power cleans were fine up to 200, then things went downhill real quickly. I failed my first two attempts. I fell forward on the first one and I caught the second one but I caught it really low on my chest and I tipped forward. I was pretty angry. I went for it a third time and got it but it was so ugly, for some reason my hands were unevenly placed on the bar and my right hand was really close to the center of the bar. When I caught it I was completely tilted to the right side. It was horrific. I just wasn't dropping low enough under the bar. I was pretty frustrated because I can't remember the last time I failed a hang clean at 200. I did this weight for a double last week! Not cool. If I don't have cleans then I HAVE NOTHING. Alright that's a bit dramatic. But I was very frustrated with this.

Split jerks were okay, definitely better than last week. Still feeling a bit heavy overhead but overall much better. I was able to work up to 155, for some reason I wasn't punching underneath the bar as low as I normally do. My knee was kind of sore so I'm not sure if I was subconsciously trying to protect it? Or if I was just being lazy? Either way these could have been much more aggressive. 

Since my lifting portion did not go very well I was already pretty annoyed by the time I got to the deadlift piece. I wanted to crush this because I needed something to go well today. I just pretended I was doing this in a competition. Everything was unbroken except for one trip on the last set of double unders (gah!) but I thought my transitions were pretty fast between the rope and bar. I have no idea if this is a decent time? My goal was to get under 4:00. I was a little frustrated about the trip up in the final round but I recovered quickly. 

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