60:00 @ easy pace:
2:00 AirDyne
5 strict knees-to-elbows
2:00 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
1 rope climb
A. Squat clean clusters, 5 x 2.2 tough; :10 rest between doubles, 2:00 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 24 x 1 @ 255; begin a set every :30
C. Weighted ring dip, build to a max
B. Clean-grip deadlift, 24 x 1 @ 255; begin a set every :30
C. Weighted ring dip, build to a max
For time:
50 CTB pull-ups
3 sets:
10m handstand walk
15 glute-ham sit-ups
rest as needed
A. 135-145-155-165-170
B. complete
C. 203 (153 BW+ 50#) (PR+5)
Today was a long day. The squat cleans felt really good, I was happy to get up to 170 for the last set. Clean grip deadlifts were slightly uncomfortable, when I do deadlifts I I feel soreness in my lower back/butt. It's weird. I don't feel it on anything else except for deadlifts, I noticed it on Wednesday too but it wasn't as bad as it was today. It doesn't really hurt, it just feels very sore. I notice it when I drive my feet into the ground as I'm pulling the bar off the ground. I think I just need to spend more time rolling out that area. I was pleased with the ring dip, happy to get a PR on that. The 50 CTB pull ups were mehhhhh. I wasn't too happy with that. I did the first 10 unbroken then did them in sets of 5. I was doing butterfly for all of them but I think I was resting too long between sets. The handstand walk/GHD thing was fine, my handstand walk is getting so much better. GHDs make me very dizzy. Overall a pretty solid training day.