Thursday, October 9, 2014


A. Overhead squat, 5 x 1, 31X1; 2:00 rest
B. Split jerk, build quickly to a tough single
For 10:00:
Evens: 2-3 bar muscle-ups
Odds: 1/side tough 1-arm KB overhead squat
4 sets:
:30 row @ absolute max effort
:30 rest

A. 125-135-145-160-170
B. complete @205
complete with 53# KB
3 MUs each time
154 meters

Really solid training day. Overhead squats were much better today, I tried to focus on staying really tight on the way down and was less shaky. Split jerks felt awesome, I worked up to 205 pretty easily. I put 215 on the bar and unracked it but it just felt really heavy and I knew I wasn't going to be able to get it so I just put it back down without even trying to jerk it. I think if I had done less reps before, I might have been able to get it. But I'm really happy that 205 was relatively easy. The EMOM was really fun. I have never done 1 arm KB OHS before, they got easier as the EMOM went on. My right arm was tougher than my left, I kept going up on my toes a little bit. Bar MUs were extremely easy, I got 3 each time. I am really happy with how those are progressing. The row sprints SUCKED SO MUCH. That hurt a lot. I haven't been in that kind of pain after a workout in quite awhile. I'm glad Stephen was there to help push me through. My hand slipped off the handle on the fourth sprint so I lost a little bit of time on that but other than that I was pleased with how this went. 


For time @ 80-90% effort
3000m row
35 glute-ham sit-ups
100m bear crawl

A. Power clean, 10 x 1 starting light & building; begin a set every :60
5 sets for even times:
10 burpees w/no jump or clap @ top, just stand tall 
12 box jump w/step-down, 24
14 kettlebell swings, 35
:90 rest
3 rounds not for time:
4-5 weighted glute-ham raises, 30X0
15 moderate reverse hypers
:30/side plank


A. 125-135-145-155-165-175-185-195-205(F)-200
20# DB for GHS
35#/side on RH

Mehhhh. AM session felt harder than it should have. I did the row in 14:08, my legs were burning when I was done. The GHD sit ups were way slower than last week, I had a headache and I was just moving slow. Bear crawl was also tougher than last week, my legs were just really tired the entire time. 

I was happy where I ended up on the power cleans although I would have liked to clean 205 or 210. I haven't hit a PR on my power clean in a really long time. They all felt really easy and fast up until 195, I caught that one a bit low. I went for 205 and failed it, I fell too far forward. I went down to 200 and got it, although I caught it pretty low and it felt like it took awhile to stand it up all the way. I think I need to practice catching my power cleans a bit lower in general, especially when they start getting heavier, I need to work on getting under the bar more and meeting it in the middle. The burpee/box jump piece was alright, the burpees and KB swings were super easy, it was the box jumps that slowed down. My legs were burning the whole time, I'm not sure what was going on today. Also 24 in box jumps are just tough for me in general, being short and all. My side planks have definitely improved. I remember when I first started doing them I was wobbling all over the place. Today I didn't even start to get shaky until about :10 left. 

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