Sunday, May 29, 2016


30:00 bike @Z1, off every 5:00 for 5/side light DB upright rows, 31x0

A. Snatch pulls, build to a heavy, crisp single
B. Back squat, 4-4-4, 40x1; 3:00 rest
C. Weighted strict CTB pull ups, build to a 1RM
AMRAP in 10:00
5 muscle ups
10 glute-ham sit ups
.5 mile assault bike
3 rounds for time:
200m ski erg
40 double unders


A. 195
B. 195-205-215
C. 205 (142 BW + 63) PR!
DNF, explanation in the comments....

DB upright rows were cool, I don't think I've ever done these before.

Snatch pulls were weird today, it felt like I hadn't snatched in a really long time. 195 was heavy and getting slow so I called it there. 

I was looking forward to the 10:00 AMRAP but I didn't finish it. I had just started my first round and I caught my fifth muscle up really weird, my hands were almost in front of me instead of to the side and I had to press out more than normal out of the dip. When I came down off the rings, my left shoulder blew up, I guess I tweaked it on that last muscle up? I did the GHD sit ups and assault bike but my shoulder was really bothering me so I just stopped. I didn't think I could do any more muscle ups. Sorry Stevo. I have never had this happen on the left shoulder before and that's why I got a little freaked out. I don't know if I didn't warm up enough or didn't do enough mobility? But that was the first time it has ever happened. 

I took a really long rest before I started the ski erg piece. My shoulder was still feeling a little weird but I tested out the ski erg and it didn't bother me so I went ahead and did the workout. I didn't want the training session to be a total bust. I thought I did relatively well on this, my transitions were quick and I tried to do the ski erg as fast as possible. I really need to learn how to do the ski erg correctly, I'm pretty sure my form is all wrong. My lower back always gets really sore. Double unders were unbroken on the first and third set, I tripped on the 25th rep during the second set. 


4-6 sets very easy:
:60 row
:60 front leaning rest on ground
:60 assault bike
:30/side plank
:60 ski erg band pull-downs
:60 single unders

4 sets complete 


30:00 assault bike @Z2, same pace/time as last week for 210 cals

A1. Bear crawl, 3x15' forward + 15' reverse, very slow & controlled keeping hips level; :30 rest
A2. Deadbug w/hands pressed into wall, 3x10 alternating breathing out hard each rep; :30 rest
B. Clean-grip deadlifts, 8x3 @1RM clean, 11x1, begin a set every :60
C1. Standing 1-arm DB shoulder press, 3x4-5/side, 21x1, :30 between sides, :30 rest
C2. 1-arm DB row, 3x6-8/side, 20x0, note pause @top this week, :30 between sides, :30 rest
D1. Axle overhead walking lunge, 3x10-12m unbroken, :30 rest
D2. Front leaning rest on rings, 3x :30, :30 rest
10:00 @90%
10 CTB pull ups
200m run
10 pull ups
200m run
10 TTB
200m run

complete, 210 cals

A1. complete
A2. complete
B. complete @225
C1. 30-35-40 (5 on R, 0 on L....)
C2. 45-50-55
D1. complete w/100#
D2. complete

AM session was tough this morning, I felt like I was working a lot harder than I needed to stay on pace. 

1-arm DB shoulder press was really good until it wasn't. Everything was going much better than the previous week until I got to the third set. I was able to get five reps at 40# on my right arm but zero reps on my left. I just couldn't get the momentum going and I didn't want to dip and use my legs. Is this bad? 

Axle lunges were tough today, I was shaky and unstable. 

10:00 piece was fine, if I'm being totally honest I was a bit distracted by what was going on with the sudden regionals debacle and I wasn't pushing as hard as I should have been. Everything was good though, pull ups and toes to bar were easy. My toes to bar are definitely getting better! 


8 sets:
500m row @2:09.0-2:09.9 for all sets
2:00 walk rest (5:00 between sets 4&5)

3 rounds not for time:
:60 handstand hold work- goal is to keep hands within 1 rubber mat
50 double unders- goal is always unbroken
:45/side 1-leg balancing
30:00 easy
200m row
10 assault bike calories
200m ski erg
15m overhead axle carry
:15/side 1-arm passive hang from fat bar
:30 bear crawl- alternating back & forward set to set
Crossover Symmetry recovery


90# on axle

Ehhhh I know I keep going too fast on my AM rows. I think I just get worried that I'm not going to hit the target pace so I end up going a little faster, just to be sure. I'll try to work on this.

PM sesh was cool, I really enjoy the 30:00 sessions. I liked the axle overhead carry, this was neat. 

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